Asic rtl interviews
->100MHz.where you pass the data signal.
gray code?
flipflop with a combo logic.find setup time.
to add skew.
working more
banging ,clock stretch
master -2 slaves .how will you give priority?
up resistor.
asynchronous FIFO.Why gray coding?
asynchronous FIFO.synchronous mechanism
encoding vs one hot encoding
gray coding is not used .how it differs
in binary coding.
vs moore
design we use mealy?
25. what
design we use moore?
timing diagram with AHB
polarity of spi
clock used
of peripherals
interconnect –APB
issues and synchronization
to do?
many power domains in projects
port,supply net
strategies –all
to do isolation,level shifting,retention strategy?
pins to AHB
Is it
usb PHY
Transaction –how interleaving
interleaving in AXI
RTL porting.Clock gating how.
many clocks worked asynchronous.
to resolve setup and hold violations
spi interface
vs Flipflop
default in latch
FIFO depth.75MHz 128 Mbits and 100MHz 64Mbits
synchronizer set up,working
synchronizer setup working
reset is significant?
is reset recovery,reset removal?
is asynchronous reset?
without reset will it works.
constraints if we use asynchronous FIFO
delay ,output delay
depth achieved is 520.FIFO requirement is 520.How to achieve in FPGA?
synchronizer used in fpga ?
reset used?advantages and disadvantages.syn reset used ,advantages
case,worst case
constraints in existing project?
.If we
have 200MHz and 50MHz ASYNCHRONOUS CLOCK DOMAIN.How to synchronise.
constraints for the same.
Guidelines for clocks and resets
A simple clocking structure is easier to understand, analyze, and maintain. In addition to this, a simple clocking structure helps to produce better synthesis results.
Avoid mixed clock edges Avoid clock buffers Avoid gated clocks Avoid internally generated clocks Gated clocks and low power designs Avoid internally generated resets
Ideal clocking structure
The preferred clocking structure is
A single global clock, and Positive edge-triggered flops as the only sequential devices.
Avoid Mixed Signal
Avoid using both positive-edge and negative-edge triggered flip-flops.
Mixed clock edges can be used for very aggressive timing goals, such as DDR (double data rate).The cares must be taken.
The duty cycle is critical, since it is a critical issue in timing analysis in addition to frequency.
Scan-based testing requires separate handing of positive and negative triggered flops.
Avoid clock buffers
Avoid hand instantiating clock buffers in RTL code. Clock buffers are morally inserted after synthesis as port of the physical design. In synthesizable RTL code, clock nets are normally considered ideal nets, with no delays. During place and route, the clock tree insertion tool inserts the appropriate structure for creating as close to an ideal, balanced clock distribution network as possible.
Avoid Gated clock
Avoid coding gated clocks in RTL,since clock gating circuits tend to be technology specific and timing dependent.
Improper timing of a gate clock can cause a false clock or glitch, Set-up and hold time violation.
Gated clock and low power design
Keep the clock and/or reset generation circuitry (for a gate clock,an internally generated clock or reset) as a separate module at the top level.
Partition the design so that all the logic in a single module uses a single clock and a single reset.
Isolating clock and reset generation logic in a separate module enables to use the standard timing analysis and scan insertion techniques.
Avoid internally generated reset
Avoid internally generated,conditional reset if possible. Generally, all the registers in the macro should be reset at the same time.
If a conditional reset is required, create a separate signal for the reset signal, and isolate the conditional reset logic in a separate module.
Coding for synthesis
In order to create code that achieves the best compile times and synthesis results. Testability Performance Simplification of static timing analysis Gate-level circuit behavior that matches that of the original RTL code
Infer registers
Avoid latches Avoid combinational feedback Specify complete sensitivity lists Blocking and non-blocking assignments Case statements v.s. if-then-else statements Coding state machines
Infer registers
Guideline Registers (flip-flops) are the preferred mechanism for sequential logic (as compared to latches). Use designer’s reset signal to initialize registered signals. Do not use initial statement to initialize the signal, since it is not synthesizable construct. These can cause mismatches between pre-synthesis and portsynthesis simulation
// process with synchronous reset
always @ (posedge clk) begin if (reset == 1’b1) begin … something … end else begin … something else … end end // INFER_REG_PROC
// process with asynchronous reset
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (reset == 1’b0) begin … reset behavior end else begin … normal behavior end end // INFER_REG_PROC
Avoid latches
Rule: avoid using any latches
When CLK = 1, latch is transparent D flows through to Q like a buffer When CLK = 0, the latch is opaque Q holds its old value independent of D a.k.a. transparent latch or level-sensitive latch
What makes unintended latch inference.
Missing assignment Missing condition How to avoid the unintended latch inference. Avoid latch by fully assigning outputs for all input conditions using else and default.
// process causes latch inference
always @ (a or en) if (en==1’b1) q = a; // its semantics imply that q must hold // its old value when en is low.
// process without latch inference always @ (a or en) if (en==1’b1) q = a; else q = 1’b0;
Avoid combinational logic
Guideline Avoid combinational feedback
Specify complete sensitive list
include a complete sensitivity list in each of always blocks.
If not, the behavior of the presynthesis design may differ from that of the post-synthesis netlist.
For combinational blocks (blocks with no registers or latches), the sensitivity list must include every signal that is read by the process. For sequential blocks, the sensitivity list must include the clock signal that is read by the process. Make sure the sensitivity lists contains only necessary signals. Adding unnecessary signals to the sensitivity list slows down simulation.
Blocking assignments execute in sequential order, While non-blocking assignments execute concurrently.
Rule: use non-blocking assignment (<=) in always blocks.
always @ (posedge clk) begin a = y; end always @ (posedge clk) begin c = a
To avoid race condition, Use non-blocking assignment
always @ (posedge clk) begin a <= y; end always @ (posedge clk) begin c = a end
case statement
A case statement infers a singlelevel multiplexer, While an if-then-else statement infers a priority-encoded, cascaded combination of multiplexers.
The multiplexer is a faster circuit.
Coding state machine
Guideline Separate the state machine HDL description into two processes, one for the combinational logic and one for the sequential logic.
Use `define statements to define the state vector.
Keep FSM logic and non-FSM logic in separate modules.
Assign a default state for the state machine.
reg [1:0] state, next_state; // FSM state //---------------------------------------------- parameter IDLE = 2'h0; parameter FOUND = 2'h1; parameter MODULUS = 2'h2; parameter DONE = 2'h3; //---------------------------------------------- always @ (state or input) case (state) IDLE: begin … next_state <= FOUND; end end // IDLE FOUND: begin … next_state <= DONE; end // FOUND endcase always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_b) if (rst_b == 1’b0) state <= IDLE; else state <= next_state;
Partioning design for synthesis
Register all outputs Locate related combinational logic in a single module Separate module that have different design goals Asynchronous logic Arithmetic operations: merging resources
Register all outputs
Guideline For each block of a hierarchical design, use register for all output signals. Registering the output signals from each block simplifies the synthesis process because it makes output drive strengths and input delays predicable.
Keep related combinational logic together in the same module.
Keep related combinational logic together in the same module.
Synthesizer has more flexibility in optimizing a design when related combinational logic is located in the same module. Keep related combinational logic in the same module also eases time budgeting and allows for faster simulation.
Separate modules that have different design goals
Keep critical path logic in a separate module from non-critical path logic. Synthesizer can optimize the critical path logic for speed, while optimizing the non-critical path logic for area.
Avoid asynchronous logic
Guideline Avoid asynchronous logic. If asynchronous logic is required, partition the asynchronous logic in a separate module from the synchronous logic. Isolating the asynchronous logic in a separate module makes code inspection much easier. Asynchronous logic need to be reviewed carefully to verify its functionality and timing.
Avoid mcp
Avoid multi-cycle paths In multi-cycle path, data traverse the path from one register to another for multiple clock cycles. Multi-cycle path is more difficult to analyze correctly. If needed, keep point-to-point exceptions within a single module.
Avoid glue logic at top level
Guideline Do not instantiate gate-level logic at the top level of the design hierarchy. Let design hierarchy contain gates only at leaf levels of the hierarchy tree.
Addressing basic coding practices, focusing on lexical conventions and basic RTL constructs.
General naming conventions Including headers in source files Use comments Keep commands on separate lines Line length Indentation Do not use HDL reserved words Port ordering Port maps and generic maps Use functions
Rule: develop a naming convention for the design, which must be documented and used consistently throughout the design.
Use lowercase letters for all signal names, variable names, and port names. Use uppercase letters for names of constants and user-defined types. Use meaningful names for signals, ports, functions, and parameters. Use short name, but descriptive names for parameters. Use ‘clk’ as the prefix for all clock signals. Use ‘_n’ (or ‘_b’) as the postfix for all active all signals. Use ‘rst’ for reset signals. If it is active low, then use ‘rst_n’. Use a consistent ordering of bits for multi-bit buses. Use the same name or similar names for ports and signals that are connected.
Include header in source file
Rule: include a header file at the top of every source file, including scripts. Syntax of header Filename Author Description of functions List of key features Date the file was created Modification history including date, name of modifier, and description of the change
use comments Rule: use comments appropriately to explain all processes, functions, and declarations of types and subtypes.
Use comments to explain ports,signals, and variables, or groups of signals or variables. Comments should be brief, concise,and explanatory. Comments should be placed logically, near the code that they describe.
Keep commands on separate line Rune: use a separate line for each HDL statement. In order to be more readable and maintainable.
Rule: keep the line length to 72 character or less.
Rule: use indentation to improve the readability of continued code lines and nested loops
Use indentation of 2 spaces. Large indentation restricts line length when there are several levels of nesting. Avoid using tabs. Differences in editors and user setups make the positioning of tabs unpredictable and can corrupt the intended indentation.
Never use hdl reserved words
Rule: do not use HDL (Verilog and VHDL) reserved words for names of any elements in RTL source files. Macro designs must be translatable from Verilog to VHDL and vice verse.
Port ordering
Rule: declare ports in a logical order,and keep this order consistentthroughout the design. Guideline Declare one port per line, with a comment following it. Declare the ports in the following order. inputs Clocks, resets, enables, controls,data and address Outputs Clocks, resets, enables, controls, Data
Port maps and generic maps Guideline: always use explicit mapping for ports and generics, using named association rather than positional association Guideline Leave a blank line between the input and output ports to improve readability.
//------------------------------------------------------ gcd Ugcd ( .clk (clk), .reset(reset), .A (A), .B (B), .valid (valid), .C (C), .done (done) );
Use functions
Guideline Use functions when possible, instead of repeating the same sections of code
//------------------------------------------------------ function [`WIDTH-1:0] conv_addr; input [`WIDTH-1:0] input_addr; input offset; begin …… end endfunction
Coding for portability
Create code that is technologyindependent,compatible withvarious simulation tools, and easily translatable from Verilog to VHDL(or from VHDL to Verilog).
Do not use hard-coded numeric values
Include files Avoid embedding dc_shell scripts Use technology-independent Libraries Do not use hard-coded numeric values Guideline
Do not use hard-coded numeric values. Use constants instead of hardcoded Values
Include files Guideline Keep the `define statements for a design in a single separate file and name the file DesignName_params.v. Avoid debugging dc_scripts Guideline Avoid using dc_shell script in the source code in order to portability reason.
Use technology independent lib
Use the DesignWare Foundatioin Library to maintain technology independence. Avoid instantiating gates in the design Gate-level design is hard to read,and thus difficult to maintain and reuse. Technology-specific gates make the design non-portable. Use GTECH library, if gate must be used.
GTECH library (Synopsys generic technology library – one of technology-independent library) contains technology independent logical components
AND, OR, NOR, flip-flops, ..
->100MHz.where you pass the data signal.
gray code?
flipflop with a combo logic.find setup time.
to add skew.
working more
banging ,clock stretch
master -2 slaves .how will you give priority?
up resistor.
asynchronous FIFO.Why gray coding?
asynchronous FIFO.synchronous mechanism
encoding vs one hot encoding
gray coding is not used .how it differs
in binary coding.
vs moore
design we use mealy?
25. what
design we use moore?
I2c timing diagram with AHB
polarity of spi
clock used
Frequency of peripherals
interconnect –APB
issues and synchronization
to do?
many power domains in projects
port,supply net
strategies –all
to do isolation,level shifting,retention strategy?
pins to AHB
Is it
usb PHY
Synchronization mechanism
Transaction –how interleaving
interleaving in AXI
STA-DC Compiler
ASIC RTL porting.Clock gating how.
many clocks worked asynchronous.
to resolve setup and hold violations
spi interface
vs Flipflop
default in latch
FIFO depth.75MHz 128 Mbits and 100MHz 64Mbits
synchronizer set up,working
synchronizer setup working
reset is significant?
is reset recovery,reset removal?
is asynchronous reset?
without reset will it works.
constraints if we use asynchronous FIFO
delay ,output delay
depth achieved is 520.FIFO requirement is 520.How to achieve in FPGA?
synchronizer used in fpga ?
reset used?advantages and disadvantages.syn reset used ,advantages
case,worst case
constraints in existing project?
.If we
have 200MHz and 50MHz ASYNCHRONOUS CLOCK DOMAIN.How to synchronise.
.Timing constraints for the same.
RTL coding rules
Clock domain crossing
In digital electronic design a clock domain crossing (CDC), or simply clock crossing, is the traversal of a signal in a synchronous digital circuit from one clock domain into another. If a signal does not assert long enough and is not registered, it may appear asynchronous on the incoming clock boundary.
A CDC signal is a signal latched by a flip-flop (FF) in one clock domain and sampled in another asynchronous clock domain. Transferring signals between asynchronous clock domains may lead to setup or hold timing violations of flip-flops. These violations may cause signals to be meta-stable.
Even if synchronizers could eliminate the meta-stability, incorrect use, such as convergence of synchronized signals or improper synchronization protocols, may also result in functional CDC errors.
Digital system consists of combinational and sequential logic. Clock triggers flops leading to state changes (viz. State Machines). Clock is the fastest signal in a synchronous system.
A clock has Period of repetition (linked with its frequency) .Phase depicts rise & fall transitions
A flop can be triggered thru any of clock phases.
A synchronous system is composed of a single electronic oscillator that generates a clock signal, and its clock domain—the memory elements directly clocked by that signal from that oscillator, and the combinational logic attached to the outputs of those memory elements.
Because of speed-of-light delays, timing skew, etc., the size of a clock domain in such a synchronous system is inversely proportional to the frequency of the clock.
In early computers, typically all the digital logic ran in a single clock domain. Because it is difficult to carry digital signals above 66 MHz on standard PCB traces (and the clock signal is the highest frequency in a synchronous digital system), CPUs that run faster than that speed invariably are single-chip CPUs with a PLL or other on-chip oscillator, so all the really high-frequency signals stay inside the chip and are never carried by the PCB traces.
At first each CPU chip ran in its own single clock domain, and the rest of the digital logic of the computer ran in another slower clock domain. A few modern CPUs have such a high speed clock that designers are forced to create several different clock domains on a single CPU chip.
Clock domain crossing
In digital electronic design a clock domain crossing (CDC), or simply clock crossing, is the traversal of a signal in a synchronous digital circuit from one clock domain into another. If a signal does not assert long enough and is not registered, it may appear asynchronous on the incoming clock boundary.
A synchronous system is composed of a single electronic oscillator that generates a clock signal, and its clock domain—the memory elements directly clocked by that signal from that oscillator, and the combinational logic attached to the outputs of those memory elements.
Because of speed-of-light delays, timing skew, etc., the size of a clock domain in such a synchronous system is inversely proportional to the frequency of the clock. In early computers, typically all the digital logic ran in a single clock domain. Because it is difficult to carry digital signals above 66 MHz on standard PCB traces (and the clock signal is the highest frequency in a synchronous digital system), CPUs that run faster than that speed invariably are single-chip CPUs with a PLL or other on-chip oscillator, so all the really high-frequency signals stay inside the chip and are never carried by the PCB traces.
At first each CPU chip ran in its own single clock domain, and the rest of the digital logic of the computer ran in another slower clock domain. A few modern CPUs have such a high speed clock that designers are forced to create several different clock domains on a single CPU chip.
Different clock domains have clocks which have a different frequency, a different phase (due to either differing clock latency or a different clock source), or both. Either way the relationship between the clock edges in the two domains cannot be relied upon.
Synchronizing a single bit signal to a clock domain with a higher frequency can be accomplished by registering the signal through a flip-flop that is clocked by the source domain, thus holding the signal long enough to be detected by the higher frequency clocked destination domain.
To avoid issues with meta-stability in the destination domain, a minimum of 2 stages of re-synchronization flip-flops are included in the destination domain.
Synchronizing a single bit signal traversing into clock domain with a slower frequency is more cumbersome. This typically requires a register in each clock domain with a form of feedback from the destination domain to the source domain, indicating that the signal was detected.[2]
In some cases, clock gating can result in two clock domains where the "slower" domain changes from one second to the next
A signal to another clock domain
Let's say a signal from clkA domain is needed in clkB domain. It needs to be "synchronized" to clkB domain, so we want to build a "synchronizer" design, which takes a signal from clkA domain, and creates a new signal into clkB domain.
In this first design, we assume that the "Signal-in" changes slowly compared to both clkA and clkB clock speeds.
All you need to do is to use two flip-flops to move the signal from clkA to clkB
Data bus to another clock domain
To move a data bus (2 bits wide or more) from one clock domain to another, we have several techniques to our disposal.
Gray code: If the data bus is a monotonic counter (i.e. only incrementing or decrementing), we can convert it to a gray code, which has the ability to cross clock domains (under certain timing conditions).
Data freeze: If the data bus is non-monotonic, use a flag to signal the other domain to capture the value (while it is frozen in the source clock domain).
Data burst: If the data bus has many consecutive values that need to cross the clock domain, use an asynchronous FIFO, where you push values from the source clock domain, and read back values from the other domain.
Custom synchronization techniques for CDC paths
Half synchronizer
When the destination flip-flop and the synchronizing flip-flop(s)) are triggered at different edges of the same clock.
Half-Cycle synchronizers are used if only the half cycle is enough to stop the metastability.
Synchronizer works faster as you would pass your data in next inactive clock edge itself.
Generally used for slow clock frequencies.
Pulse synchronizer
Two asynchronous clocks Clk1 and Clk2.
Transfer a pulse “Trig” launched at clock Clk1 to Clk2 domain. use a flop whose D input is tied to “1” to capture this pulse. synchronize the output of this flop to destination domain using 2- DFF scheme.
use an additional flop after synchronizer stage to generate the pulse (here at out) in Clk2 domain which is again high only for one clock cycle in the shown case.
The designer may extend the pulse in destination domain if required. The same generated pulse is used to reset the initial capturing flop.To transfer a single pulse from source domain we require three clock cycles of destination domain.
Deployed in cases only where destination frequency is at least three times faster than source frequency.
Clock gating based synchronizer
Get rid of CDC issues if we ensure that the clock of destination flip-flop is turned off while the data is toggling. The enable is generated from the source domain and is synchronized to destination domain using 2-DFF scheme.Whenever we want to toggle the data we first gate the destination clock through enable of cg cell.
The data is transferred and the destination clock is enabled afterwards. For a single bit transfer it may be an overhead. Extended for transfer of complete data bus.
There has been a general practice of using special library cell for 2-DFF synchronizer. It has following advantages.
• a. Special dedicated Flip-Flop for synchronizers are designed with very special constraints on minimizing the window of sensitive time when sampling the input signal.
• b. This also ensures that while placement the two Flip-Flops are placed close to each other.
CDC Bug Anatomy
Missing or incorrect synchronizer
Incorrectly implemented CDC Protocol
Design doesn't account for non-deterministic delay through synchronizers
To reduce Clocktree balancing complexities.
Consider clocks to various blocks as asynchronous.
Four main problems associated with CDCs:
Data hold in fast-to-slow crossings
Data correlation and race conditions
Issues related to complex synchronizers
When clocks are a-synchronous, the signals that interface between are called clock domain (CDC) paths. Within each domain, data transfer is protected by Setup & Hold checks of flops. No check exists on CDC path
• All that are part of the same clock domain form a clock group.It identify various clock domains.
• Reciprocal of failure rate.
• Should be as high as possible
• Failure means signal goes metastable after first stage synchronizer and continues to be metastable one cycle later when it is sampled in the second stage synchronizer flop.
Single bit crossing
Data/ control bit.
Multi bit crossing
Data bit crossing
Multibit crossing
Ensures that destination should not enter metastable state.
Multibit data can be
• Binary counter data
• Burst data
• Stable data with valid signals
2 flop syn doesnot work in burst data and counter output.
Use 2 flop sync to sync the valid(1 bit signal) and sample data at receiver domain.
Why no 2flop syn used?
Multiple bit changes at the same time.011-100
Different sync may produce random value
Convert binary -gray
use 2 flop syn at reciver domain to sample the gray output from tranmit domain.
In gray one one output changes at a time.
Stable data with valid signal
• In order to synchronize data,a control pulse is generated in source clock domain when data is available at source flop.
• Control pulse is then syn using 2 FF Syn or pulse sync depending on clock ratio between source and destination domain.
• Sync control pulse is used to sample the data on the bus in destination domain.
• Data should be stable until it is sampled in destination domain.
• Burst means changing data at every clock.
• 2 Flop syn doesnot work.
• Use asynchronous FIFO.
Multibit control signals
• Cannot use different synchronization at destination domain.
• Skew can result in sampling of different control bits at different clock edges which can result in delays in control bits.
Consolidation of control bits.
FIFO techniques.
Consolidate load and enable and register in the source and use synchronise output in destination domain.
• Static cdc checks for combo logic in every cdc path that has detected synchronizer.
Combinational logic in a synchronization path is a significant problem because data is used to determine an acceptable failure rate on synchronization paths assume a signal transition on a CDC signal during each clock period.
• Input to combo logic changes to source clock.
• Combination logic creates glitches.
• Glitches settle before next clock edge.
• Destination captures stable data.
Different clock domains have clocks which have a different frequency, a different phase (due to either differing clock latency or a different clock source), or both. Either way the relationship between the clock edges in the two domains cannot be relied upon.
Synchronizing a single bit signal to a clock domain with a higher frequency can be accomplished by registering the signal through a flip-flop that is clocked by the source domain, thus holding the signal long enough to be detected by the higher frequency clocked destination domain.
To avoid issues with meta-stability in the destination domain, a minimum of 2 stages of re-synchronization flip-flops are included in the destination domain.
Synchronizing a single bit signal traversing into clock domain with a slower frequency is more cumbersome. This typically requires a register in each clock domain with a form of feedback from the destination domain to the source domain, indicating that the signal was detected.[2]
In some cases, clock gating can result in two clock domains where the "slower" domain changes from one second to the next
A signal to another clock domain
Let's say a signal from clkA domain is needed in clkB domain. It needs to be "synchronized" to clkB domain, so we want to build a "synchronizer" design, which takes a signal from clkA domain, and creates a new signal into clkB domain.
In this first design, we assume that the "Signal-in" changes slowly compared to both clkA and clkB clock speeds.
All you need to do is to use two flip-flops to move the signal from clkA to clkB (to learn why, get back to the links).The two flip-flops have the side-effect of delaying the signal.
For example, here are waveforms where you can see the slow moving signal being synchronized (and delayed) to clkB domain by the two flip-flops:
A flag to another clock domain
If the signal that needs to cross the clock domains is just a pulse (i.e. it lasts just one clock cycle), we call it a "flag". The previous design usually doesn't work (the flag might be missed, or be seen for too long, depending on the ratio of the clocks used).
We still want to use a synchronizer, but one that works for flags.
Gray code: If the data bus is a monotonic counter (i.e. only incrementing or decrementing), we can convert it to a gray code, which has the ability to cross clock domains (under certain timing conditions).
Data freeze: If the data bus is non-monotonic, use a flag to signal the other domain to capture the value (while it is frozen in the source clock domain).
Data burst: If the data bus has many consecutive values that need to cross the clock domain, use an asynchronous FIFO, where you push values from the source clock domain, and read back values from the other domain.
• Recovery time
Minimum time required between the release of an asynchronous signal from active edge to next active clock edge.
For instance: time between the reset and clock transitions of a flip flop
• Removal time
Minimum amount of time between an active clock edge and the release of an asynchronous control signal.
1) What are the major issues for Clock Domain Crossing ?
They are 3 major problems for clock domain crossing:
A. Metastability - the transaction of data violated the setup or hold time of the destination FF. It caused the ouput may oscillate for an indefinite amount time.
The Metastability may lead to the high current or even burn out of the chip. It also caused functional issue and timing issue.
B. Data Loss - whenever a new source data is generated, it may not be captured by the destination domain in the very first cycle of the destination clock because of metastability. Plus the different clock frequency of source and destination may also caused the data loss.
C. Data Incoherency - whenever new data is generated in the source clock domain, it may take 1 or more destination clock cycles to capture it, depending on the arrival time of active clock edges.
2) 4 common method to solve the clock domains crossing problems
There are 4 common method to solve the clock domains crossing problems:
1. MUX recirculation technique
The MUX recirculation technique is shown as below:
A control signal EN, generated in the source domain is synchronized in the destination domain using a multi-flop synchronizer. The synchronized control signal EN_Sync drives the select pin of the muxes, thereby controlling the data transfer for all bits of the bus A.
In this way, individual bits of the bus are not synchronized separately, and hence there is no data incoherency. However, it is important to ensure that when the control signal is active, the source domain data A[0:1] should be held constant.
2. Handshake synchronization
A very common and robust method for synchronizing multiple data signals is a handshake technique as shown in Figure. This is popular because the handshake technique can easily manage changes in clock frequencies, while minimizing latency at the crossing.
FIFO is used when you need to transfer data from one clock domain (clock domain at which you store data) to another clock domain, it grantees that the data will cross from that domain to the other (smoothly) if the Asynchronous FIFO is designed right (Async FIFO usually will include Synchronizers or similar approaches) FIFO will introduce latency to assure that the data crosses the domain approriately
4. Multi-Flop Synchronizer
The synchronizers allow sufficient time for the oscillations to settle down and ensure that a stable output is obtained in the destination domain. A commonly used synchronizer is a multi-flop synchronizer
What are different ways to synchronize between two clock domains?
A very common and robust method for synchronizing multiple data signals is a handshake technique as shown in diagram below This is popular because the handshake technique can easily manage changes in clock frequencies, while minimizing latency at the crossing. However, handshake logic is significantly more complex than standard synchronization structures.
What is MTBF?
For most applications, it is important to calculate the Mean Time Before Failure / MTBF for any signal crossing a CDC boundary. In the context of MTBF, the failure means the output of the synchronizer still goes metastable. Obviously, a larger MTBF is favored over a smaller one, and the synchronization scheme needs to guarantee sufficient larger MTBF.
MTBF is inversely proportional to input data changing rate as well as receiving clock frequency. The faster of input data rate and receiving clock, the lower of MTBF.
n2terviewees often mix the concept of input data changing rate with sending clock frequency, and incorrectly think sending clock frequency does impact MTBF. Faster sending clock does not necessarily imply faster input data changing rate.
It is required to flop the data in sending clock domain before synchronized in receiving clock domain. The output of combo logic often have glitches, i.e., it requires some time to settle. Without data flopping, the input data changing rate is effectively increased in receiving clock domain, decreasing the MTBF of CDC circuit.
Why can synchronizers handle CDC?
The simplest synchronization scheme is back-to-back flop synchronizer. Even though the output of the first stage is metastable, the CDC signal still have one more cycle to settle to a stable logic value. herefore, synchronizers essentially increase the MTBF.
Clock Domains Crossing Issues
Clock Domain Crossing
CDC considerations to transfer a pulse
Transfer a pulse from slow to fast clock domain, and from fast to slow clock domain, require separate handling.
Generally speaking, passing a signal from slow clock to fast clock is not a problem, since the loss of a pulse is less likely to happen. Based on Nyquist Theorem, if receiving clock frequency is at least 2x of sending clock frequency, then there will be no sampling loss.
Passing a signal from fast clock to slow clock requires more careful handling. When passing a CDC signal through a 2 flip-flop synchronizer, if the CDC signal is wider than 1.5x the cycle width of the receiving domain clock period, then there will be no sampling loss. Sometimes, designers need to “stretch” the signal in the sending clock domain, to meet this “1.5x cycle width” requirement. Alternatively, designers can choose to use “handshake” to guarantee the robust signal transfer.
CDC considerations to transfer multi-bit signals
Multiple signals that are synchronized to one clock will experience small data changing skews that can occasionally be sampled on different rising clock edges in receiving clock domain. Thus we cannot simply use double flop synchronizers to transfer multi-bit signals.
There are several schemes that designers can choose from the toolkit:
1. Passing multiple CDC bits using gray codes
2. Passing multiple CDC bits using async FIFO if gray encoding cannot be achieved
3. Passing multiple CDC bits using handshake protocol
Que 2: Why Gray code counter is used in Asynchronous FIFO?
Ans: As we know that in Gray counter only 1 bit change happens from previous gray counter value. So, for example when we synchronize read pointer with write pointer clock, then there is possibility of metastability. So as there is only one bit change in the gray counter so even if there is metastability in gray counter when clock crossing, the gray counter value will be previous value. For example read pointer(gray counter) value is changing from 0110 to 0111 and synchronized with write clock then due to metastability(if occurs) read pointer still will be 0110, So suppose earlier FIFO Full Flag was high at read gray counter value 0110, Fifo Full will remain high 1 more clock cycle. That will not be an issue. If gray counter was not used for clock domain crossing then there was possibility of multi bit change of the counter and unpredicted(might be errornious) Flag(Fifo full or fifo empty) generation.
3: What care we take for Asynchronous reset in our design?
Ans: For Asynchronous reset we assert reset asynchronously and de-asserts reset synchronously. In our design to take care of this we have circuit which has 2 back to back Flip-Flop like synchronizer of which 1st Flop's D input is connected to '1' when asynchronous reset is active Low and use the output of second Flop as the reset for rest of the design.
4: Is Setup time, hold time required in Latch?
Ans: Yes, for a +ve level sensitive latch these are measured from falling edge and for -ve level sensitivity latch you should measure it from rising edge.
Setup time for a +ve level sensitive latch is that data should be stable for some time before the negedge of the latch enable signal so that data can be properly captured.
5: What are the deciding factors that we need FIFO?
1. When Bus widths are different : When data to be transferred from high bus width to lower bus width.
2.When we don't know what is relation between 2 clocks when data transferring from 1 clock to another clock.
6: Suppose we have a circuit like Flip-Flop but it has 4 states like normal flip flop has 2 states(0 or 1). Then how many these circuits(which has 4 states) are required for mod 10 circuit?
4^n >= 10 , so 2 these types of circuits required.
7: What is the difference between Blocking and nonblocking statements in verilog?
Blocking statements are sequential and executed one after another and represented by '='
example : always@(posedge clk)
reg1 = d;
reg2 = reg1;
out = reg2;
If we see the above example code we will get 1 flip flop after synthesis.
Non Blocking statements are executed concurrently and
represented by '=>'
example : always@(posedge clk)
reg1 <= d;
reg2 <= reg1;
out <= reg2;
If we see the above example code we will get 3 flip flop after synthesis.
8: why gate level simulation required?
GLS is a step in the Design flow to ensure that the design meets the functionality after placement and routing. To do GLS we Need post-routed netlist, sdf (standard delay format file).SDF contains all the delay information for the cell and the wire. The reasons for GLS are as:
1. To check if reset release, initialization sequence and boot-up is proper.
2. Since Scan insertions occur during and after synthesis, they are not checked by simulations.
3. STA does not analyze asynchronous interfaces.
4. Unwarranted usage of wild cards in static timing constraints set false and multi cycle paths where they don't belong. This can also be due to design changes, mis-understanding or typos.
5. X's in RTL sim can be pessimistic or optimistic. Any unintended dependencies on initial conditions can be found through GLS.
6. Design changes, wrong understanding of the design can lead to incorrect false paths or multicycle paths in the constraints.
7. Can be used to study the activity factor for power estimation.
8. It's an excellent feel good quotient that the design has been implemented correctly.
9: What is false path and Multi cycle path?
Ans: Multi cycle paths are those which require more than one clock cycles to complete due to high delays of big combo logic. while false paths are the path which will never be sentisized i.e. won't come in actual situation, that path will never occur.
10: What will happen if while synthesis we declare wrongly a path multi cycle path which was not multi cycle path.
Ans: When synthesis there is possibility that synthesizer may add some extra logic so the netlist we got now will not be able to complete this path in 1 clock, while in RTL simulation we will get output in 1 clock only, so there is possibility that there is mismatch in pre and post synthesis result.
In today’s complex system on chip (SoC) designs, different blocks are operating at different frequencies.if suppose a signal is travelling from one clock domain to another some problems are occur which are setup and hold violation, metastability and unreliable data transfers(data loss, data in coherency), CDC may occur when a signal is travelling from one block to another block which are operating at same frequency and their phases are not same.
To avoid this CDC issues there are some methods to solve:
· Handshake Signaling method.
· Asynchronous FIFO.
10. What is CDC? On which tool we run CDC? Why is it required?
11. How to know about the error details in Lintra as well as in questacdc/spyglass cdc?
12. How to debug errors/warnings in CDC?
13. If we got error "synchronizer is missing" from our tool. From this how we debug.
1. What is metastability and why is it a problem?
2. What is two flop synchronizer?
3. How MUX synchronizer helps to get rid of metastability?
4. What is MTBF and what is the relation of frequencies of two domains and MTBF?
5. What CDC technique is used for single bit data transfer from one domain to another clock domain?
6. How do you take care of CDC when signal is going from slow clock domain to fast clock domain?
7. How do you take care of signal bit crossing from fast clock domain to slow clock domain?
8. What CDC technique is used for data going from one clock domain to another clock domain?
9. What happens when combo output from one clock domain enters another clock domain?
10. Design a gray code counter and what is the advantage of gray code counters?
11. What is convergence and how do you fix?
12. What is divergence and how do you fix?
13. What is re-convergence and how do you fix?
14. How do you define clock and resets in SGDC file?
15. What is quasi_static in SGDC?
16. What is reset synchronizer?
17. What happens when reset is not synchronized and used?
18. What happens when same reset is synchronized twice and used in a clock domain?
19. What CDC technique do you use to transfer counter data from one domain to another domain?
20. What is closed loop and open loop CDC solution in transferring a bit form domain to another domain?
21. What are different CDC techniques used in designing ASYNC FIFOs?
22. What are different ways to synchronise between two clock domains?
23. What are logically connected clocks?
24. What are physically connected clocks?
25. What are asynchronous clocks?
26. How to reduce glitches while crossing from one clock domain to another?
27. What is single bit crossing?
28. What is multi bit crossing?
29. What is clock gating?
30. Explain spyglasss CDC flow?Explain jasper cdc flow?
31. What is a clock domain?
32. What is the effect of using combo logic before synchronizer?
33. What is asynchronous FIFO? When it is used in CDC bugs?
34. What is a clock group?
35. How to calculate FIFO depth?
36. What is fifo pointers?
37. How clock skew effects causes metastability?
38. What is slack?
39. What is clock clock uncertainity?
40. Can we use different clock synchronizers in the same design?
41. How does handshake based clock synchronizer work?
42. What is a reset synchronizer?
43. What are the different CDC schemes?
44. What is mean by coherency?
45.What are the structural issues in CDC?How do you overcome?
46.What are the functional issues in CDC?How do you overcome?
47.When do you perform case analysis?
48.What are the different types of reconvergence?
49.Timing waveform of convergence,divergence,reconvergence?
50.CDC .Why it is important.
51.Multibit synchronization.
52.For a bus,which synchronization is used.?
53.Pulse synchronizer setup and working.
54.Qualifier signals.
55.why 3 Flip flop synchronization is used.?
56.Waveform of the convergence,divergence,reconvergence.
57.When asynchronous FIFO is used?
58.When do you use handshake synchronizer?
59.Types of reconvergence.
60.sgdc constraint of clock and reset.
61.Gray code counter.advantages
62.rtl code for 2 flip flop synchronizer.
63.CDC schemes used.
64.For the counter design which synchronizer is used?
65.For a design first it toggles and then enters into burst mode.which synchroniser used?
66.What are logically connected and physically connected clock?
67.single bit and multi bit crossing.
68.Half synchronizer .rtl code for the same
69.clock gating synchronizer.where its is used.
71.Clock group
71.FIFO wrapper.depth of fifo.if the reading clock is same as writing clock what happens?.FIFO signals
72 .Asynchronous FIFO.Conditions for overflow,threshold,underflow.verilog coding for all.
73.CDC violations and resolve
74.CDC constraints for design analysis and placement.
75.CDC design intent and benefits
76.CDC goals
77.Environment setup for cdc in the tool used
78.Version of the tool used.
79.If we insert level shifter the timing violation arise ,how do you resolve in low power?
80.RTL of toggle,mux,pulse,handshake synchronizer.
81.Why reset is important in soc?
82.Whatt is the need of reset synchronizer?.How does it works?
83.Synchronizer requirements.
84.XOR Synchronizer.
• Different types of synchronizers.
Ø FIFO synchronizers for high volume data transfer.
Ø Handshake synchronizers for IP,portability and reuse.
Ø Data synchronizers -when a control signal from source domain synchronized using multiflop in destination domain performing as a qualifier responsible for ensuring that the data is stable when captured at destination.
Ø Control synchronizers-A double or multi flop synchronizer for domain crossing of single bit control signals.
CDC Elements
Ø Asynchronous clocks,synchronous /asynchronous resets,input port signals and their clock domains.
Ø Quasi static signals,qualifier signals,false cdc paths,case analaysis and the type of synchronizers .
Ø CDC constraints for design analysis:
Ø CDC constraints for placement:
Ø CDC constraints for design analysis:
Constraints to validate asynchronous crossing in RTL by performing structural & functional validation.
CDC analysis used to perform RTL code by performing structural & functional
Ø validation of CDC design :
To ensure that proper synchronization exists across clock domains to avoid metastability
To ensure data integrity is not compromised while crossing clock domains of different
frequency & validate that data coherency is maintained across clock domains.
CDC constraints for placement:
Time driven placement of synchronizer.
When constrained ,placement of data synchronizer register pair of the CDC logic would result in either a very large distance between their placement.
Or a interconnect with the large net delay makes the data crossing metastable.
To mitigate this,a”set_max_delay” constraint for those pairs of registers is set to be less than one clock cycle of destination clock with a fixed margin.
Design intent
• Goal:To capture design intent in a CDC constraints that would be used to validate asynchronous crossing logic both structurally and functionally in RTL prior to synthezing the design.
Step1:To capture all clocks and resets in the design.
For each subchip in the RTL design,list of clocks and resets as inferred by the CDC
analyser(EDA Vendor) tool is created.
After review,valid asynchronous clocks and valid asynchronous/synchronous
resets are included in the CDC constraints.
A structural CDC analysis is also run using the clock and reset definitions.
When RTL design undergoes structural CDC analysis by a EDA vendor tool,get a list of synchronizing schemes identified by the tool to declare a domain crossing as valid.
• Not identifying a custom FIFO structure defined in the design & hence reporting crossing as invalid.In CDC constraint, custom FIFO can be defined to pass crossing as valid.
Even when the RTL design does not use a handshake protocol,some combination of signals passing through a double flop structure from one FSM clock domain to other FSM clock domain could structurally appear similar to a “request” and “acknowledge” signals to report a false positive domain crossing.
• For sub chips that donot use handshake protocol for domain crossing,checking for the REQ and ACK signals of a handshake has tp disabled during structural CDC analysis to avoid false positive reporting.
Qualifying data synchronizers in the design
Problem 4
• A signal that indicates when the data is stable to be sampled at destination domain is a qualifier signal that gates the domain crossing.
• When a valid qualifier is not used to pass the crossing or an invalid signal is used in place of a qualifier, then design intent has to be captured in the constraint.
List of qualifiers used in structural CDC reporting would be reviewed to ensure that only signals with knowledge of when data would be stable for sampling of destination domain are used.
Example:A valid qualifier to be used in cdc constraints as
Static flops such as config reg would flag CDC violations.
Solution5:By defining the names of such static signals in CDC constraints,false CDC violation due to static registers would not be flagged.
Example:quasi_static-name< net-name>
Delayed qualifier
Problem 6
In data synchronizer,reported 'qualifier signal' could be delayed through several registers before gating the domain crossing of the data bus.
Solution 6
Qulaifier identified by analysis tool may not be the valid gating signal and it could be the static signal to be declared as quasi_stable
false path
Some paths exist but will never be crossed. A false violation flagged on such paths needs to be handled in CDC Constraints.
Solution 7
Define cdc false path at appropriate hierarchy level and would reduce CDC violations in the report
could be used
Clock domain of input port signals of sub-chips in context with top level
Problem 8
Primary input ports of sub chips are associated with respective clock domains during the sub chip level CDC analysis(out of context with top level).
Once all sub chips are used to assemble a top level for CDC analysis, in context clock domains of the primary port of sub chips could be different from one defined at sub chip level CDC analysis.
CDC constraints for placement
Timing driven placement of double flop synchronizers.
Use Integrated syn(From library) for double flops used to syn single bit control signals which guarantees least amount of delay between sync flags to ensure that delay between F2 and F3 doesnot make signal metastability.
For all control signal syn with non integrated flops,
a max delay constraint set for their placement
a max delay set(10% to 20%) of one clock cycle of destination clock.
• More productive
Do with constraints than waivers.
Reduce waivers.
• Higher quality
Constraints gives design info that is not part of RTL that can be auto verified.
Automates a significant part of design review.
Convergence,jitter are almost impossible to do by inspect and are reliably done
using constraints and simulation.
Clock and reset set up check up
• Check setup correctness and completeness
• Important to fix all violations reported in this step to avoid false violations due to incorrect/incomplete setup.
Examples are as:
Ensure all flops are receiving a clock.
Ensure case analysis is defined preventing multiple clocks controlling some flop.
Ensure multiple clocks not defined on same clock path.
Periods,edge-list and domains are defined properly for clocks.
clock_reset_integrity goal
sanity check of clocks and resets.
clock and reset trees are properly designed and they are free of glitches ,races and other hazards.
If yoy do not have clock and reset definitions, must run the setup to define them before proceeding with verification.
cdc_verify_ goal
Verify all steps of cdc.
Coherency problem on reconvergent crossing.
Ensure all sync reset follow convention specied:reset_syn_style constraint.
Any change affects setup will be monitored.
If any setup issues(converging clocks ,missing clock definitions) will be reported.
Spyglass is an EDA tool for IC design, which can be used for Verilog code quality checking, power analysis and so on.
Verilog quality checks include lint and cdc checks. Lint is mainly used to check grammatical aspects, such as combinational logic, timing logic bitwidth matching, latch, lack of reset value in timing logic,... And so on.
Cdc detection is usually used to check whether the verilog code is correct across the clock. It extracts all the cross-clock paths and lists them according to the corresponding rules for users to determine item by item.
Spyglass cdc checks for constraints in xxx.sgdc format, indicating which signals are clocks, which are resets, and the clock domain of data-type signals.
1. Why write Sgdc constraints
Whether the spyglass tool matches or not can generate constraints file itself, we need to check the constraints file generated by the tool, and find out the omissions, modify the erroneous constraints, and supplement the missing constraints. The more detailed the Sgdc constraints, the less Error and warning the spyglass cdc reports, which can effectively reduce the workload.
3. Which signals need to be constrained by Sgdc
The input signals of the module indicate which signals are clocks, which are reset, and the clock domain of data signals.
Module output signal, no constraints
Both input and output signals of Black-box need to be constrained.
4. How to write Sgdc constraints
Define the current top-level: use current_design, as shown in the following figure: MAC is the current top-level, rmon_cnt is a black box within mac, only input and output definitions, there is no logic inside.
Define clokc for clock, reset for reset for reset, abstract for clock domain for data signal
5. Notes
Black box's input and output require constraints
In constraints, multi-bit signals cannot be replaced by [*], for example, tx_data [*] cannot be recognized, and tx_data[1023:0] must be written.
The bit-width representation of multi-bit data [xxx:xxx] cannot be computed, such as the incorrect expression of tx_data[1024-1:0]
current_design "mac"
clock -name "mac.host_clk" -domain host_clk -tag host_clk
clock -name "mac.sys_clk" -domain sys_clk -tag sys_clk
reset -name "mac.host_clk_soft_rst_n" -value 0
reset -name "mac.host_clk_hard_rst_n" -value 0
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_wr -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_rd -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_rw_addr[12:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_wr_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_data[1023:0] -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_eop -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_sop -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_vld -clock mac.sys_clk
#---------- rmon_cnt is the black box , only has input and output signal ,don't have logic in rmon_cnt.v " ------#
#### input signal ######
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_wr -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rw_addr[12:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_wr_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
#### output signal ######
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd_datvld -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
SpyGlass tool introduction
Currently includes: SpyGlass Lint, CDC, RDC, DFT ADV, Power. It is an important tool for RTL Signoff in the industry.
Some basic concepts of SpyGlass
1.Rule: It is the smallest unit of SpyGlass for RTL analysis.
2.Goal: It is a collection of related rules, combined to complete a specific task of RTL analysis. The user can use GuideWare-defined Goal, or according to the requirements of the project to select a series of rule sets to form a custom Goal. Point in the GUI Goal button to select the setting, of course, it can also be defined in the Prj file.
3.Sub-Methodology: It is a collection of related Goals, used to achieve a specific goal in a certain area, such as completing CDC check.
Currently includes SpyGlass CDC / Constraints / DFT / Power / TXV Methodology
4. Other terms that are not closely related to methodology:
SGDC : Constraint file, Mainly contains constraint information such as clock and reset.
Waiver : The file used to filter some results.
Severity : The report results are divided into four levels of information: Fatal, Error, Warning and INFO.
parameter: Some parameters can be set before RTL analysis, and some constraints are imposed on the inspection process
Assuming sender block uses clk1, while receiving block uses clk2. Sender block and receiving block use 4-phase REQ-ACK protocol for clock domain crossing.
Also assume the sender block interacts with its upstream logic using valid-ready protocol, and the receiving block interacts with its downstream logic using valid-ready protocol.
Obviously, 4-phase REQ-ACK protocol is slower than 2-phase REQ-ACK protocol, since each transfer involves 4 signal transitions compared to 2 signal transitions.
module Req_Ack_4phase_Sender # ( parameter DWIDTH = 8) ( input clk1, input rst1_n, // assuming this reset is synchronized input valid, output logic ready, input [DWIDTH-1:0] din, output logic req, input ack, // assuming this signal is synchronized from clk2 to clk1 output logic [DWIDTH-1:0] dout ); always_ff @(posedge clk1 or negedge rst1_n) if (~rst1_n) req <= '0; else if (valid & ready) req <= '1; else if (req & ack) req <= '0; always_ff @(posedge clk1 or negedge rst1_n) if (~rst1_n) ready <= '1; else if (valid & ready) // this condition needs to be put first, otherwise same data may be sampled twice ready <= '0; else if (~req & ~ack) ready <= '1; always_ff @(posedge clk1) if (valid & ready) dout <= din; endmodule module Req_Ack_4phase_Receiver # ( parameter DWIDTH = 8) ( input clk2, input rst2_n, // assuming this reset is synchronized input ready, output logic valid, input [DWIDTH-1:0] din, output logic ack, input req, // assuming this signal is synchronized from clk1 to clk2 output logic [DWIDTH-1:0] dout ); always_ff @(posedge clk2 or negedge rst2_n) if (~rst2_n) valid <= '0; else if (valid & ready) // this condition needs to be put first, otherwise same data may be sent twice valid <= '0; else if (req & ~ack) valid <= '1; always_ff @(posedge clk2 or negedge rst2_n) if (~rst2_n) ack <= '0; else if (valid & ready) ack <= '1; else if (~req & ack) ack <= '0; assign dout = din; endmodule |
The most common problem in the front-end design of CDC (Clock Domain Crossing) is that each asynchronous control signal and data signal must be properly handled in RTL, otherwise metastable state will occur, resulting in serious function false.
Introduction to SpyGlass CDC
Formal Check:
SpyGlass CDC tool is a kind of Formal Check MethodologyTool, compared to writing a case and running a simulation to find CDC problems, relying on SpgGlass can find CDC problems earlier, more comprehensively, and faster. It can:
Systematic approach towards CDC problems
Check and report any unsynchronized signals: Clocks and Reset
Compared with Timing Check:
STA is not very good for async interface, only suitable for sync module analysis
CDC paths always need to be set to false paths
Generally it makes sense at the netlsit level later in the design
Compared with Functional Simulation:
White box testing requires some assertions
Need to cover all test branches of CDC
It is difficult to be lucky to cover all, generally only some problems can be found
Generally, problems are only found in the late stage of design
When SOC design involves too many clock domians, many third-party IPs are used, and the level of personnel involved is uneven, it is necessary to use SpyGlass CDC to check to ensure the quality of RTL.
In two different stages of the block-level and SOC integration of the project, the applicable CDC Goal is also different. Block-Level cares about the inside of the module, and only delivers after the module has no problems with the inspection. SOC integration mainly What is concerned is the CDC problem of the interface between the modules.
Spyglass is an EDA tool for IC design, which can be used for Verilog code quality checking, power analysis and so on.
Verilog quality checks include lint and cdc checks. Lint is mainly used to check grammatical aspects, such as combinational logic, timing logic bitwidth matching, latch, lack of reset value in timing logic,... And so on.
Cdc detection is usually used to check whether the verilog code is correct across the clock. It extracts all the cross-clock paths and lists them according to the corresponding rules for users to determine item by item.
Spyglass cdc checks for constraints in xxx.sgdc format, indicating which signals are clocks, which are resets, and the clock domain of data-type signals.
1. Why write Sgdc constraints
Whether the spyglass tool matches or not can generate constraints file itself, we need to check the constraints file generated by the tool, and find out the omissions, modify the erroneous constraints, and supplement the missing constraints. The more detailed the Sgdc constraints, the less Error and warning the spyglass cdc reports, which can effectively reduce the workload.
3. Which signals need to be constrained by Sgdc
The input signals of the module indicate which signals are clocks, which are reset, and the clock domain of data signals.
Module output signal, no constraints
Both input and output signals of Black-box need to be constrained.
4. How to write Sgdc constraints
Define the current top-level: use current_design, as shown in the following figure: MAC is the current top-level, rmon_cnt is a black box within mac, only input and output definitions, there is no logic inside.
Define clokc for clock, reset for reset for reset, abstract for clock domain for data signal
5. Notes
Black box's input and output require constraints
In constraints, multi-bit signals cannot be replaced by [*], for example, tx_data [*] cannot be recognized, and tx_data[1023:0] must be written.
The bit-width representation of multi-bit data [xxx:xxx] cannot be computed, such as the incorrect expression of tx_data[1024-1:0]
current_design "mac"
clock -name "mac.host_clk" -domain host_clk -tag host_clk
clock -name "mac.sys_clk" -domain sys_clk -tag sys_clk
reset -name "mac.host_clk_soft_rst_n" -value 0
reset -name "mac.host_clk_hard_rst_n" -value 0
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_wr -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_rd -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_rw_addr[12:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports soc_wr_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_data[1023:0] -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_eop -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_sop -clock mac.sys_clk
abstract_port -module mac -ports tx_vld -clock mac.sys_clk
#---------- rmon_cnt is the black box , only has input and output signal ,don't have logic in rmon_cnt.v " ------#
#### input signal ######
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_wr -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rw_addr[12:0] -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_wr_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
#### output signal ######
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd_datvld -clock mac.host_clk
abstract_port -module rmon_cnt -ports mem_rd_dat[31:0] -clock mac.host_clk
SpyGlass tool introduction
Currently includes: SpyGlass Lint, CDC, RDC, DFT ADV, Power. It is an important tool for RTL Signoff in the industry.
Some basic concepts of SpyGlass
1.Rule: It is the smallest unit of SpyGlass for RTL analysis.
2.Goal: It is a collection of related rules, combined to complete a specific task of RTL analysis. The user can use GuideWare-defined Goal, or according to the requirements of the project to select a series of rule sets to form a custom Goal. Point in the GUI Goal button to select the setting, of course, it can also be defined in the Prj file.
3.Sub-Methodology: It is a collection of related Goals, used to achieve a specific goal in a certain area, such as completing CDC check.
Currently includes SpyGlass CDC / Constraints / DFT / Power / TXV Methodology
4. Other terms that are not closely related to methodology:
SGDC : Constraint file, Mainly contains constraint information such as clock and reset.
Waiver : The file used to filter some results.
Severity : The report results are divided into four levels of information: Fatal, Error, Warning and INFO.
parameter: Some parameters can be set before RTL analysis, and some constraints are imposed on the inspection process