Showing posts with label PERL INTERVIEW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PERL INTERVIEW. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018


 Perl for EDA

     Perl is a high-level programming language. Larry Wall invented Perl and thousands have contributed their time making it a very powerful tool. Perl borrows heavily from the C programming language and copies the really useful bits from sed, awk, Unix shell, and many other tools and languages.

Perl is a script language, which is compiled each time before running

    Perl's process, file, and text manipulation facilities make it particularly well-suited for tasks involving automatic code generation, report filtering, netlist patching, generating test vectors and controlling tools.

     Perl is FREE so maybe you should use it too.

     These pages offer advice and examples for improving design productivity through with Perl. 

Comments and Commands

After the header line: #!/usr/bin/perl there are either empty lines with no effect or command lines or commentary lines. Everything from and behind a "#" up to the end of the line is comment and has no effect on the program. Commands start with the first non space charachter on a line and end with a ";". So one can continue a command over several lines and terminates it only with the semicolon.

Direct commands and subroutines

Normal commands are executed in the order written in the script. But subroutines can be placed anywhere and will only be evaluated when called from a normal command line. Perl knows it's a subroutine if it the code is preceded with a "sub" and enclosed in a block like: sub name { command;}

Other special lines

Perl can include other programming code with: require something or with use something.


Single quote: '' or: q//
Double quote: "" or: qq//
Quote for execution: `` or: qx//
Quote a list of words: ('term1','term2','term3') or: qw/term1 term2 term3/
Quote a quoted string: qq/"$name" is $name/;
Quote something wich contains "/": qq!/usr/bin/$file is readdy!;


Scalar and list context

That perl distinguishes between scalar and list context is the big feature, which makes it unique and more useful then most other script languages.

A subroutine can return lists and not only scalars like in C. Or an array gives the number of elements in a scalar context and the elements itself in a list context.

The enormous value of that feature should be evident.



Variables and Operators


There are scalar variables, one and two dimensional arrays and associative arrays. Instead of declaring a variable, one precedes it with a special character. $variable is a normal scalar variable. @variable is an array and %variable is an associative array. The user of perl does not have to distinguish between a number and a string in a variable. Perl switches the type if necessary.


Fill in a scalar with: $price = 300; $name = "JOHN"; Calculate with it like: $price *= 2; $price = $oldprice * 4; $count++; $worth--; Print out the value of a scalar with: print $price,"\n";


Fill in a value: $arr[0] = "Fred"; $arr[1] = "John"; Print out this array: print join(' ',@arr),"\n";
If two dimensional: $arr[0][0] = 5; $arr[0][1] = 7;

Hashes (Associative Arrays)

Fill in a single element with: $hash{'fred'} = "USA"; $hash{'john'} = "CANADA";

Fill in the entire hash:

%a = (
    'r1',  'this is val of r1',
    'r2',  'this is val of r2',
    'r3',  'this is val of r3',

or with:

%a = (
    r1 => 'this is val of r1',
    r2 => 'this is val of r2',
    r3 => 'this is val of r3',


Put something into a variable with a "=" or with some combined operator which assigns and does something at the same time:

$var = "string"; Puts the string into $var
$var = 5; Puts a number into $var

$var .= "string"; Appends string to $var
$var += 5; Adds number to $var
$var *= 5; Multipliy with 5
$var ||= 5; If $var is 0 make it 5
$var x= 3; Make $var to three times $var as string: from a to aaa

Modify and assign with:

($new = $old) =~ s/pattern/replacement/;


Compare strings with: eq ne like in: $name eq "mary".
Compare numbers with: == != >= <= <=> like in: $price == 400.


Acct on success or failure of an expression: $yes or die; means exit if $yes is not set.
For AND we have: && and "and" and for OR we have: || or "or". Not is "!" or "not".

AND,OR and NOT are regularly used in if() statements:
if($first && $second){....;}
if($first || $second){....;}
if($first && ! $second{....;} means that $first must be non zero but $second must not be so.
But many NOT's can be handled more reasonable with the unless() statement. Instead:
print if ! $noway; one uses: print unless $noway;



command if condition;

unless (just the opposite of if)

command unless condition;



# Go prematurely to the next iteration
    next if condition;
# Prematureley abort the loop with last
    last if condition;
# Prematurely continue the loop but do continue{} in any case
    continue if condition;
# Redo the loop without evaluating while(condtion)
    redo if condition;
command while condition;

until (just the opposite of while)

    next if condition;
    last if condition;
    continue if condition;
command until condtion;

for (=foreach)

# Iterate over @data and have each value in $_
    print $_,"\n";
# Get each value into $info iteratively
for $info (@data){
    print $info,"\n";
# Iterate over a range of numbers
for $num (1..100){
    next if $num % 2;
    print $num,"\n";
# Eternal loop with (;;)
for (;;){
    last if $num > 100;


# syntax
map (command,list);
map {comm1;comm2;comm3;} list;
# example
map (rename($_,lc($_),<*>);

File Test Operators

File test operators check for the status of a file: Some examples:

-f $file

It's a plain file

-d $file

It's a directory

-r $file

Readable file

-x $file

Executable file

-w $file

Writable file

-o $file

We are owner

-l $file

File is a link

-e $file

File exists

-z $file

File has zero size, but exists

-s $file

File is greater than zero


This filehandle is connected to a tty

-T $file

Text file

-B $file

Binary file

-M $file

Returns the day number of last modification time

Regular Expressions

What it is

A regular expression is an abstract formulation of a string. Usually one has a search pattern and a match which is the found string. There is also a replacement for the match, if a substitution is made.


A pattern stands for either one, any number, several, a particular number or none cases of a character or a character-set given literally, abstractly or octaly.




any character (dot)


any number on any character (dot asterix)


the maximum of consecutive a's


the minimum of consecutive a's


one or none of any characters


one or more of any character


three up to seven of any characters, but as many as possible


three up to seven, but the fewest number possible


at least 3 of any character


exactly 3 times any character


a or b


not a and also not b


any of a through z


a at beginning of string


a at end of string


A or bb or CCC


telefone or telephone


A-Z or a-z or _


none of the above




none of 0-9


space or \t or \n (white space)


non space






carridge return


word boundary


matches key but not housekey




Case insensitive match. This can be inside a pattern variable.


a or b or c, but without string in $n


Match ..... but do not store in $&


Anything but ..... and do not store in $&




One can replace found matches with a replacement with the s/pattern/replacement/; statement.
The "s" is the command. Then there follow three delimiters with first a search pattern and second a replacement between them. If there are "/" within the pattern or the replacement then one chooses another delimiter than "/" for instance a "!".

To change the content of a variable do: $var =~ s/pattern/replacement/;
To put the changed value into another variable, without distorting the original variable do:
($name = $line) =~ s/^(\w+).*$/$1/;




substitute the first a in a string with B


substitute every a with a B


substitute any number of a with one A


substitute a leading # with nothing. i.e remove it


prepend a # to the string


substitute a followed by a number with b followed by the same number


substitute the found number with 3 times it's value

Use two "e" for to get an eval effect:


perl -e '$aa = 4; $bb = '$aa'; $bb =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/ee; print $bb,"\n";'


s/here goes date/$date/g;

substitute "here goes date" with the value of $date


s/(Masumi) (Nakatomi)/$2 $1/g;

switch the two terms



remove null charachters



append a ^M to make it readable for dos









Input and Output

Output a value from a variable

print $var,"\n";

Output a formated string


Read in a value into a variable and remove the newline

chomp() (perl5) removes a newline if one is there. The chop() (perl4) removes any last character.

chomp($var = <STDIN>);

Read in a file an process its linewise

open(IN,"<filename") || die "Cannot open filename for input\n";
close IN;

Read a file into an array

open(AAA,"<infile") || die "Cannot open infile\n";
@bigarray = <AAA>;
close AAA;

Output into a file

open(OUT,">file") || die "Cannot oben file for output\n";
    print OUT $mystuff;
close OUT;

Check, whether open file would yield something (eof)

open(IN,"<file") || die "Cannot open file\n";
    print "File is empty\n";
close IN;

Process Files mentioned on the Commandline

The empty filehandle "<>" reads in each file iteratively. The name of the current processed file is in $ARGV. For example print each line of several files prepended with its filename:

    $file = $ARGV;
    print $file,"\t",$_;
    open(IN,"<$file") or warn "Cannot open $file\n";
    ....commands for this file....

Get Filenames

Get current directory at once

@dir = <*>;

Use current directory iteratively


Select files with <>

@files = </longpath/*.c>;

Select files with glob()

This is the official way of globbing:

@files = glob("$mypatch/*$suffix");


Perl can also read a directory itself, without a globing shell. This is faster and more controllable, but one has to use opendir() and closedir().

opendir(DIR,".") or die "Cannot open dir.\n";
while(readdir DIR){
    rename $_,lc($_); 

Pipe Input and Output from/to Unix Commands

Process Data from a Unix Pipe

open(IN,"unixcommand|") || die "Could not execute unixcommand\n";
close IN;

Output Data into a Unix Pipe

open(OUT,"|more") || die "Could not open the pipe to more\n";
for $name (@names){
    $length = length($name);
    print OUT "The name $name consists of $lenght characters\n";
close OUT;

Execute Unix Commands

Execute a Unix Command and forget about the Output

system("someprog -auexe -fv $filename");

Execute a Unix Command an store the Output into a Variable

If it's just one line or a string:

chomp($date = qx!/usr/bin/date!); The chomp() (perl5) removes the trailing "\n". $date gets the date.

If it gives a series of lines one put's the output into an array:

chomp(@alllines = qx!/usr/bin/who!);

Replace the whole perl program by a unix program

exec anotherprog; But then the perl program is gone.

The Perl built-in Functions

String Functions

Get all upper case with: 

$name = uc($name);

Get only first letter uppercase: 

$name = ucfirst($name);

Get all lowercase: 

$name = lc($name);

Get only first letter lowercase: 

$name = lcfirst($name);

Get the length of a string:

$size = length($string);

Extract 5-th to 10-th characters from a string:

$part = substr($whole,4,5);

Remove line ending:


Remove last character:


Crypt a string:

$code = crypt($word,$salt);

Execute a string as perl code:

eval $var;

Show position of substring in string:

$pos = index($string,$substring);

Show position of last substring in string:

$pos = rindex($string,$substring);

Quote all metacharachters:

$quote = quotemeta($string);

Array Functions

Get expressions for which a command returned true:

@found = grep(/[Jj]ohn/,@users);

Applay a command to each element of an array:

@new = map(lc($_),@start);

Put all array elements into a single string:

$string = join(' ',@arr);

Split a string and make an array out of it:

@data = split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

Sort an array:


Reverse an array:


Get the keys of a hash(associative array):


Get the values of a hash:


Get key and value of a hash iteratively:


Delete an array:

@arr = ();

Delete an element of a hash:

delete $hash{$key};

Check for a hash key:

if(exists $hash{$key}){;}

Check wether a hash has elements:

scalar %hash;

Cut of last element of an array and return it:

$last = pop(@IQ_list);

Cut of first element of an array and return it:

$first = shift(@topguy);

Append an array element at the end:


Prepend an array element to the front:


Remove first 2 chars an replace them with $var:


Get the number of elements of an array:

scalar @arr;

Get the last index of an array:

$lastindex = $#arr;

File Functions

Open a file for input:

open(IN,"</path/file") || die "Cannot open file\n";

Open a file for output:

open(OUT,">/path/file") || die "Cannot open file\n";

Open for appending:

open(OUT,">>$file") || &myerr("Couldn't open $file");

Close a file:

close OUT;

Set permissions:

chmod 0755, $file;

Delete a file:

unlink $file;

Rename a file:

rename $file, $newname;

Make a hard link:

link $existing_file, $link_name;

Make a symbolic link: 

symlink $existing_file, $link_name;

Make a directory:

mkdir $dirname, 0755;

Delete a directory:

rmdir $dirname;

Reduce a file's size:

truncate $file, $size;

Change owner- and group-ID:

chown $uid, $gid;

Find the real file of a symlink:

$file = readlink $linkfile;

Get all the file infos:

@stat = stat $file;



Conversions Functions

Number to character:

chr $num;

Charachter to number:


Hex to decimal:


Octal to decimal:


Get localtime from time:


Get greenwich meantime:


Pack variables into string:

$string = pack("C4",split(/\./,$IP));

Unpack the above string:

@arr = unpack("C4",$string);





Subroutines (=functions in C++)

Define a Subroutine

sub mysub {


sub myerr {
    print "The following error occured:\n";
    print $_[0],"\n";

Call a Subroutine


Give Arguments to a Subroutine


Receive Arguments in the Subroutine

As global variables:

sub mysub {
    @myarr = @_;
sub mysub {
    ($dat1,$dat2,$dat3) = @_;

As local variables:

sub mysub {
    local($dat1,$dat2,$dat3) = @_;

Some of the Special Variables




String from current loop. e.g. for(@arr){ $field = $_ . " ok"; }


Line number from current file processed with: while(<XX>){


Program name


Process id of current program


The real uid of current program


Effective uid of current program


For flushing output: select XXX; $| = 1;


The match of the last pattern search


The ()-embraced matches of the last pattern search


The string to the left of the last match


The string to the right of the last match


Forking is very easy! Just fork. One puts the fork in a three way if(){} to separately the parent, the child and the error.

if($pid = fork){
    # Parent
}elsif($pid == 0){
    # Child
    # The child must end with an exit!!
    # Error
    die "Fork did not work\n";

Building Pipes for forked Children

Building a Pipe


Flushing the Pipe

select(WRITEHANDLE); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);

Setting up two Pipes between the Parent and a Child

pipe(FROMCHILD,TOCHILD);  select(TOCHILD); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
pipe(FROMPARENT,TOPARENT);select(TOPARENT);$| = 1; select(STDOUT);
if($pid = fork){
    # Parent
    close FROMPARENT;
    close TOPARENT;
}elsif($pid == 0){
    # Child
    close FROMCHILD;
    close TOCHILD;
    # Error



Building a Socket Connection to another Computer

# Somwhere at the beginning of the script
require 5.002;
use Socket;
use sigtrap;
# Prepare infos
$port   = 80;
$remote = 'remotehost.domain';
$iaddr  = inet_aton($remote);
$paddr  = sockaddr_in($port,$iaddr);
# Socket
socket(S,AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) or die $!;
# Flush socket
select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
# Connect
connect(S,$paddr) or die $!;
# Print to socket
print S "something\n";
# Read from socket
$gotit = <S>;
# Or read a single character only
# Close the socket










Get Unix User and Network Information

Get the password entry for a particular user with: @entry = getpwnam("$user");
Or with bye user ID: @entry = getpwuid("$UID");

One can information for group, host, network, services, protocols in the above way with the commands: getgrnam, getgrid, gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr, getservbyname, getservbyport, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber.

If one wants to get all the entries of a particular category one can loop through them by:

while(@he = getpwent){

For example: Get a list of all users with their home directories:

while(@he = getpwent){

The same principle works for all the above data categories. But most of them need a "stayopen" behind the set command.


Addition: +
Subtraction: -
Multiplication: *
Division: /
Rise to the power of: **
Rise e to the pwoer of: exp()
Modulus: %
Square root: sqrt()
Absolut value: abs()
Tangens: atan2()
Sinus: sin()
Cosine: cos()
Random number: rand()

Formatting Output with "format"

This should be simplification of the printf formatting. One formats once only and then it will be used for every write to a specified file handle. Prepare a format somwhere in the program:

format filehandle =
$var1, $var3, $var4

Now use write to print into that filhandle according to the format:


The @<<< does left adjustment, the @>>> right adjustment, @##.## is for numericals and @||| centers.


Command line Switches

Show the version number of perl:

perl -v;

Check a new program without runing it:

perl -wc <file>;

Have an editing command on the command line:

perl -e 'command';

Automatically print while precessing lines:

perl -pe 'command' <file>;

Remove line endings and add them again:

perl -lpe 'command' <file>;

Edit a file in place:

perl -i -pe 'command' <file>;

Autosplit the lines while editing:

perl -a -e 'print if $F[3] =~ /ETH/;' <file>;

Have an input loop without printing:

perl -ne 'command' <file>;


Perl Interview Question. 

1. How do you know the reference of a variable whether it is a reference,scaller, hash or array?
Ans: there is a 'ref' function that lets you know -----------------------------------------------------------------

2. what is the difference between 'use' and 'require' function?
Ans: Use: 1. the method is used only for modules (only to include .pm type file) 2. the included object are verified at the time of compilation. 3. No Need to give file extentsion. Require: 1. The method is used for both libraries ( package ) and modules 2. The include objects are varified at the run time. 3. Need to give file Extension. ----------------------------------------------------------------

3. What is the use of 'chomp' ? what is the difference between 'chomp' and 'chop'?
Ans. 'chop' functiononly removes the last character completely 'from the scaler, where as 'chomp' function only removes the last character if it is a newline. by default, chomp only removes what is currently defined as the $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR. whenever you call 'chomp ', it checks the value of a special variable '$/'. whatever the value of '$/' is eliminated from the scaler. by default the value of '$/' is 'n' ------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Print this array @arr in reversed case-insensitive order
Ans> @solution = sort {lc $a comp lc$b } @arr. ------------------------------------------------------------------

5. What is '->' in Perl?
Ans. it is a symbolic link to link one file name to a new name. so lets say we do it like file1-> file2, if we read file1, we end up reading file2. --------------------------------------------------------------------

6. how do you check the return code of system call?
Ans. System calls "traditionally" returns 9 when successful and 1 when it fails. system (cmd) or die "Error in command"; --------------------------------------------------------------------

7. #create directory if not there
if (! -s "$temp/engl_2/wf"){ System "mkdir -p $temp/engl_2/wf"; } if (! -s "$temp/backup_basedir"){ system "mkdir -p $temp/backup_basedir"; } ${pack_2} = -M "${temp}/engl_2/wf/${wf_package_name}.data"; ${new_pack}= -M "{pack}/"; What is the use of -M and -s in the above script?
Ans. -s means is filename a non-empty file -M how long since filename modified? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

8. How to substitute a particular string in a file containing million of record?
Ans. perl -p -ibak -e 's/search_str/replace_str/g' filename -----------------------------------------------------------------------

9. I have a variable named $objref which is defined in main package. I want to make it as a Object of class XYZ. how could I do it?
Ans. use XYZ my $objref =XYZ -> new() OR, bless $objref, 'XYZ'; ---------------------------------------------------------------

10. what is meant by a 'pack' in perl?
Ans. Pack Converts a list into a binary representation. Takes an array or list of values and packs it into a binary structure, returning the string containing the structure It takes a LIST of values and converts it into a string. The string contaings a con-catenation of the converted values. Typically, each converted values looks like its machine-level repesentation. for example, on 32-bit machines a converted integer may be representated by a sequence of 4 bytes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. how to implement stack in Perl?
Ans. through push() and shift() function. push adds the element at the last of array and shift() removes from the beginning of an array. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12. What is Grep used for in Perl?
Ans. Grep is used with regular expression to check if a parituclar value exist in an array. it returns 0 it the value does not exists, 1 otherwise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. How to code in Perl to implement the tail function in unix?
And. You have to maintain a structure to store the line number and the size of the file at that time eg. 1-10bytes, 2-18bytes.. you have a counter to increase the number of lines to find out the number of lines in the file. once you are through the file, you will know the size of the file at any nth line, use 'sysseek' to move the file pointer back to that position (last 10) and thens tart reading till the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. Explain the difference between 'my' and 'local' variable scope declarations?
Ans. Both of them are used to declare local variables. The variables declared with 'my' can live only within the block and cannot gets its visibility inherited fucntions called within that block, but one defined as 'local' canlive within the block and have its visibility in the functions called within that block. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. How do you navigate thorugh an XML documents?
Ans. You can use the XML::DOM navigation methods to navigate thorugh an XML::DOM node tree and use the getnodevalue to recover the data. DOM Parser is used when it is neede to do node operation. Instead we may use SAX parser if you require simple processing of the xml structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. How to delete an entire directory containing few files in the directory?
Ans. rmtree($dir); OR, you can use CPAN module File::Remove Though it sounds like deleting file but it can be used also for deleting directories. &File::Removes::remove (1,$feed-dir,$item_dir); -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. What are the arguements we normally use for Perl Interpreter
Ans. -e for Execute, -c to compile, -d to call the debugger on the file specified, -T for traint mode for security/input checking -W for show all warning mode (or -w to show less warning) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18. what is it meants by '$_'?
Ans. it is a default variable which holds automatically, a list of arguements passed to the subroutine within parentheses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19. How to connect to sql server through Perl?
Ans. We use the DBI(Database Independent Interface) module to connect to any database. use DBI; $dh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=DBname","username","password"); $sth = $dh-> prepare("select name, symbol from table"); $sth->execute(); while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()){ print "name =$row[0].symbol= $row[1]; } $dh->disconnect $dh=DBI->connect("dbi:mysql") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

20. What is the purpose of -w,strict and -T?
Ans. -w option enables warning - strict pragma is used when you should declare variables before their use -T is taint mode. TAint mode makes a program more secure by keeping track of arguments which are passed from external source. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

21. What is the difference between die and exit?
Ans. Die prints out stderr message in the terminal before exiting the program while exit just terminate the program without giving any message. Die also can evaluate expressions before exiting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

22. where do you go for perl help?
Ans. perldoc command with -f option is the best. i also go to for help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

23. what is the Tk module?
Ans. it provides a GUI interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

24. what is your favorite module in Perl?
Ans. CGI and DBI. CGI(Common Gateway Interface) because we do not need to worry about the subtle features of form processing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

25. What is hash in perl?
Ans. A hash is like an associative array, in that it is a collection of scalar data, with individual elements selected by some index value which essentially are scallars and called as keys. Each key corresponds to some value. Hashes are represented by % followed by some name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26.what does 'qw()' mean? what's the use of it?
Ans. qw is a construct which quotes words delimited by spaces. use it when you have long list of words that are nto quoted or youjust do not want to type those quotes as youtype out a list of space delimited words. like @a = qw(1234) which is like @a=("1","2","3","4"); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

27. what is the difference between Perl and shell script?
Ans. whatever you can do in shell script can be done in Perl.however 1. Perl gives you an extended advantages of having enormous library. 2. you do not need to write everything from scartch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

28. what is stderr() in perl?
Ans. special file handler to standard error in any package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

29. what is a regular expression?
Ans. it defines a pattern for a search to match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

30. what is the difference between for and foreach?
Ans. functionally, there is no difference between them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

31, what is the difference between exec and system?
Ans. exec runs the given process, switches to its name and never returns while system forks off the given process, waits for its to complete and then return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32. What is CPAN?
Ans. CPAN is comprehensive Perl Archive Network. its a repository contains thousands of Perl Modules, source and documentation, and all under GNU/GPL or smilar licence. you can go to for more details. Some linux distribution provide a till names 'cpan; which you can install packages directly from cpan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

33. what does this symbol mean '->'?
Ans. In Perl it is an infix dereference operator. for array subscript, or a hash key, or a subroutine, then the ihs must be a reference. can also be used as method invocation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

34. what is a DataHash()
Ans. in Win32::ODBC, DataHash() function is used to get the data fetched thorugh the sql statement in a hash format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

35. what is the difference between C and Perl?
Ans. make up --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

36. Perl regular exp are greedy. what is it mean by that?
Ans. it tries to match the longest string possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

37. what does the world '&my variable' mean?
Ans. &myvariable is calling a sub-routine. & is used to indentify a subroutine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

38, what is it meant by @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_0?
Ans @ISA -> each package has its own @ISA array. this array keep track of classes it is inheriting. ex: package child; @ISA=( parentclass); @EXPORT this array stores the subroutins to be exported from a module. @EXPORT_OK this array stores the subroutins to be exported only on request. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

39.what package you use to create a windows services?
ans. use Win32::OLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

40, How to start Perl in interactive mode?
Ans. perl -e -d 1 PerlConsole. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

41. How do I set environment variables in Perl programs?
Ans. you can just do something like this: $ENV{'PATH'} = '...'; As you may remember, "%ENV" is a special hash in Perl that contains the value of all your environment variables. Because %ENV is a hash, you can set environment variables just as you'd set the value of any Perl hash variable. Here's how you can set your PATH variable to make sure the following four directories are in your path:: $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/yourname/bin'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

42. what is the difference between C++ and Perl?
Ans. Perl can have objects whose data cannot be accessed outside its class, but C++ cannot. Perl can use closures with unreachable private data as objects, and C++ doesn't support closures. Furthermore, C++ does support pointer arithmetic via `int *ip = (int*)&object', allowing you do look all over the object. Perl doesn't have pointer arithmetic. It also doesn't allow `#define private public' to change access rights to foreign objects. On the other hand, once you start poking around in /dev/mem, no one is safe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

43. How to open and read data files with Perl?
Ans. Data files are opened in Perl using the open() function. When you open a data file, all you have to do is specify (a) a file handle and (b) the name of the file you want to read from. As an example, suppose you need to read some data from a file named "checkbook.txt". Here's a simple open statement that opens the checkbook file for read access: open (CHECKBOOK, "checkbook.txt"); In this example, the name "CHECKBOOK" is the file handle that you'll use later when reading from the checkbook.txt data file. Any time you want to read data from the checkbook file, just use the file handle named "CHECKBOOK". Now that we've opened the checkbook file, we'd like to be able to read what's in it. Here's how to read one line of data from the checkbook file: $record = < CHECKBOOK > ; After this statement is executed, the variable $record contains the contents of the first line of the checkbook file. The "<>" symbol is called the line reading operator. To print every record of information from the checkbook file open (CHECKBOOK, "checkbook.txt") || die "couldn't open the file!"; while ($record = < CHECKBOOK >) { print $record; } close(CHECKBOOK); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

44. How do i do fill_in_the_blank for each file in a directory?
Ans. #!/usr/bin/perl -w opendir(DIR, "."); @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $file (@files) { print "$file\n"; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

45. how do i generate a list of all .html files in a directory
Ans. here is a snippet of code that just prints a listing of every file in teh current directory. that ends with the entension #!/usr/bin/perl -w opendir(DIR, "."); @files = grep(/\.html$/,readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); foreach $file (@files) { print "$file\n"; } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

46. what is Perl one-liner?
Ans. There are two ways a Perl script can be run: --from a command line, called one-liner, that means you type and execute immediately on the command line. You'll need the -e option to start like "C:\ %gt perl -e "print \"Hello\";". One-liner doesn't mean one Perl statement. One-liner may contain many statements in one line. --from a script file, called Perl program. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

47, Assume both a local($var) and a my($var) exist, what's the difference between ${var} and ${"var"}?
Ans. ${var} is the lexical variable $var, and ${"var"} is the dynamic variable $var. Note that because the second is a symbol table lookup, it is disallowed under `use strict "refs"'. The words global, local, package, symbol table, and dynamic all refer to the kind of variables that local() affects, whereas the other sort, those governed by my(), are variously knows as private, lexical, or scoped variable. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

48. What happens when you return a reference to a private variable?
ans. Perl keeps track of your variables, whether dynamic or otherwise, and doesn't free things before you're done using them -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

49. What are scalar data and scalar variables?
Ans. Perl has a flexible concept of data types. Scalar means a single thing, like a number or string. So the Java concept of int, float, double and string equals to Perl\'s scalar in concept and the numbers and strings are exchangeable. Scalar variable is a Perl variable that is used to store scalar data. It uses a dollar sign $ and followed by one or more aphanumeric characters or underscores. It is case sensitive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

50. Assuming $_ contains HTML, which of the following substitutions will remove all tags in it?
Ans. You can't do that. If it weren't for HTML comments, improperly formatted HTML, and tags with interesting data like < SCRIPT >, you could do this. Alas, you cannot. It takes a lot more smarts, and quite frankly, a real parser. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

51. I want users send data by formmail but when they send nothing or call it from web site they will see error. codes in PHP like this: if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)){ .......... } else{ echo ("error lalalalal") } How it will look in perl?
Ans. In perl if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST'){ ..... } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

52. What is the output of the following Perl program?
1 $p1 = ""; 2 $p1 =~ s/(.*)\.java/$1.cpp/; 3 print "$p1\n"; Ans. prog1.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

53. Why aren't Perl's patterns regular expressions?
Ans. Because Perl patterns have backreferences. A regular expression by definition must be able to determine the next state in the finite automaton without requiring any extra memory to keep around previous state. A pattern /([ab]+)c\1/ requires the state machine to remember old states, and thus disqualifies such patterns as being regular expressions in the classic sense of the term. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

54. What does Perl do if you try to exploit the execve(2) race involving setuid scripts?
Ans. Sends mail to root and exits. It has been said that all programs advance to the point of being able to automatically read mail. While not quite at that point (well, without having a module loaded), Perl does at least automatically send it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

55. How do I do < fill-in-the-blank > for each element in a hash?
Ans. Here's a simple technique to process each element in a hash: #!/usr/bin/perl -w %days = ( 'Sun' =>'Sunday', 'Mon' => 'Monday', 'Tue' => 'Tuesday', 'Wed' => 'Wednesday', 'Thu' => 'Thursday', 'Fri' => 'Friday', 'Sat' => 'Saturday' ); foreach $key (sort keys %days) { print "The long name for $key is $days{$key}.\n"; } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

57. How do I sort a hash by the hash key?
Ans. Suppose we have a class of five students.Their names are kim, al, rocky, chrisy, and jane. Here's a test program that prints the contents of the grades hash, sorted by student name: #!/usr/bin/perl -w %grades = ( kim => 96, al => 63, rocky => 87, chrisy => 96, jane => 79, ); print "\n\tGRADES SORTED BY STUDENT NAME:\n"; foreach $key (sort (keys(%grades))) { print "\t\t$key \t\t$grades{$key}\n"; } The output of this program looks like this: GRADES SORTED BY STUDENT NAME: al 63 chrisy 96 jane 79 kim 96 rocky 87 } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

58. How do you print out the next line from a filehandle with all its bytes reversed?
Ans. print scalar reverse scalar Surprisingly enough, you have to put both the reverse and the into scalar context separately for this to work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

59. How do I send e-mail from a Perl/CGI program on a Unix system?
Ans. Sending e-mail from a Perl/CGI program on a Unix computer system is usually pretty simple. Most Perl programs directly invoke the Unix sendmail program. We'll go through a quick example here.Assuming that you've already have e-mail information you need, such as the send-to address and subject, you can use these next steps to generate and send the e-mail message: # the rest of your program is up here ... open(MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t"); print MAIL "To: $sendToAddress\n"; print MAIL "From: $myEmailAddress\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n"; print MAIL "This is the message body.\n"; print MAIL "Put your message here in the body.\n"; close (MAIL); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

60. How to read from a pipeline with Perl?
Ans. To run the date command from a Perl program, and read the output of the command, all you need are a few lines of code like this: open(DATE, "date|"); $theDate = ; close(DATE); The open() function runs the external date command, then opens a file handle DATE to the output of the date command. Next, the output of the date command is read into the variable $theDate through the file handle DATE. Example 2: The following code runs the "ps -f" command, and reads the output: open(PS_F, "ps -f|"); while () { ($uid,$pid,$ppid,$restOfLine) = split; # do whatever I want with the variables here ... } close(PS_F); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

61. Why is it hard to call this function: sub y { "because" }
Ans. Because y is a kind of quoting operator. The y/// operator is the sed-savvy synonym for tr///. That means y(3) would be like tr(), which would be looking for a second string, as in tr/a-z/A-Z/, tr(a-z)(A-Z), or tr[a-z][A-Z]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

62. What does `$result = f() .. g()' really return?
Ans. False so long as f() returns false, after which it returns true until g() returns true, and then starts the cycle again. This is scalar not list context, so we have the bistable flip-flop range operator famous in parsing of mail messages, as in `$in_body = /^$/ .. eof()'. Except for the first time f() returns true, g() is entirely ignored, and f() will be ignored while g() later when g() is evaluated. Double dot is the inclusive range operator, f() and g() will both be evaluated on the same record. If you don't want that to happen, the exclusive range operator, triple dots, can be used instead. For extra credit, describe this: $bingo = ( a() .. b() ) ... ( c() .. d() ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------

63. Why does Perl not have overloaded functions?
Ans. Because you can inspect the argument count, return context, and object types all by yourself. In Perl, the number of arguments is trivially available to a function via the scalar sense of @_, the return context via wantarray(), and the types of the arguments via ref() if they're references and simple pattern matching like /^\d+$/ otherwise. In languages like C++ where you can't do this, you simply must resort to overloading of functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

64. What does read() return at end of file?
Ans. 0 A defined (but false) 0 value is the proper indication of the end of file for read() and sysread(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

65. What does `new $cur->{LINK}' do? (Assume the current package has no new() function of its own.)
Ans. $cur->new()->{LINK} The indirect object syntax only has a single token lookahead. That means if new() is a method, it only grabs the very next token, not the entire following expression. This is why `new $obj[23] arg' does't work, as well as why `print $fh[23] "stuff\n"' does't work. Mixing notations between the OO and IO notations is perilous. If you always use arrow syntax for method calls, and nothing else, you'll not be surprised. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

66. How do I sort a hash by the hash value?
Ans. Here's a program that prints the contents of the grades hash, sorted numerically by the hash value: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Help sort a hash by the hash 'value', not the 'key'. to highest). sub hashValueAscendingNum { $grades{$a} <=> $grades{$b}; } # Help sort a hash by the hash 'value', not the 'key'. # Values are returned in descending numeric order # (highest to lowest). sub hashValueDescendingNum { $grades{$b} <=> $grades{$a}; } %grades = ( student1 => 90, student2 => 75, student3 => 96, student4 => 55, student5 => 76, ); print "\n\tGRADES IN ASCENDING NUMERIC ORDER:\n"; foreach $key (sort hashValueAscendingNum (keys(%grades))) { print "\t\t$grades{$key} \t\t $key\n"; } print "\n\tGRADES IN DESCENDING NUMERIC ORDER:\n"; foreach $key (sort hashValueDescendingNum (keys(%grades))) { print "\t\t$grades{$key} \t\t $key\n"; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

67. How to read file into hash array ?
Ans. open(IN, ") { chomp; $hash_table{$_} = 0; } close IN; print "$_ = $hash_table{$_}\n" foreach keys %hash_table; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

68. how do find the length of an array?
Ans. $@array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

69, What value is returned by a lone `return;' statement?
Ans. The undefined value in scalar context, and the empty list value () in list context. This way functions that wish to return failure can just use a simple return without worrying about the context in which they were called. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

70. What's the difference between /^Foo/s and /^Foo/?
Ans. The second would match Foo other than at the start of the record if $* were set. The deprecated $* flag does double duty, filling the roles of both /s and /m. By using /s, you suppress any settings of that spooky variable, and force your carets and dollars to match only at the ends of the string and not at ends of line as well -- just as they would if $* weren't set at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

71. Does Perl have reference type?
Ans. Yes. Perl can make a scalar or hash type reference by using backslash operator. For example $str = "here we go"; # a scalar variable $strref = \$str; # a reference to a scalar @array = (1..10); # an array $arrayref = \@array; # a reference to an array Note that the reference itself is a scalar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

72. How to dereference a reference?
Ans. There are a number of ways to dereference a reference. Using two dollar signs to dereference a scalar. $original = $$strref; Using @ sign to dereference an array. @list = @$arrayref; Similar for hashes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

73. What does length(%HASH) produce if you have thirty-seven random keys in a newly created hash?
Ans.5 length() is a built-in prototyped as sub length($), and a scalar prototype silently changes aggregates into radically different forms. The scalar sense of a hash is false (0) if it's empty, otherwise it's a string representing the fullness of the buckets, like "18/32" or "39/64". The length of that string is likely to be 5. Likewise, `length(@a)' would be 2 if there were 37 elements in @a. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

74. If EXPR is an arbitrary expression, what is the difference between $Foo::{EXPR} and *{"Foo::".EXPR}?
Ans. The second is disallowed under `use strict "refs"'. Dereferencing a string with *{"STR"} is disallowed under the refs stricture, although *{STR} would not be. This is similar in spirit to the way ${"STR"} is always the symbol table variable, while ${STR} may be the lexical variable. If it's not a bareword, you're playing with the symbol table in a particular dynamic fashion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

75. How do I do < fill-in-the-blank > for each element in an array?
Ans. #!/usr/bin/perl -w @homeRunHitters = ('McGwire', 'Sosa', 'Maris', 'Ruth'); foreach (@homeRunHitters) { print "$_ hit a lot of home runs in one year\n"; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

76. How do I replace every character in a file with a comma?
Ans. perl -pi.bak -e 's/\t/,/g' myfile.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

77. What is the easiest way to download the contents of a URL with Perl?
Ans. Once you have the libwww-perl library, installed, the code is this: #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; $url = get ''; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

78. how to concatinate strings in Perl?
Ans. through . operator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

79. How do I read command-line arguments with Perl?
Ans. With Perl, command-line arguments are stored in the array named @ARGV. $ARGV[0] contains the first argument, $ARGV[1] contains the second argument, etc. $#ARGV is the subscript of the last element of the @ARGV array, so the number of arguments on the command line is $#ARGV + 1. Here's a simple program: #!/usr/bin/perl $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; print "thanks, you gave me $numArgs command-line arguments.\n"; foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { print "$ARGV[$argnum]\n"; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

80. When would `local $_' in a function ruin your day?
Ans. When your caller was in the middle for a while(m//g) loop The /g state on a global variable is not protected by running local on it. That'll teach you to stop using locals. Too bad $_ can't be the target of a my() -- yet. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

81. What happens to objects lost in "unreachable" memory..... ?
Ans. What happens to objects lost in "unreachable" memory, such as the object returned by Ob->new() in `{ my $ap; $ap = [ Ob->new(), \$ap ]; }' ? Their destructors are called when that interpreter thread shuts down. When the interpreter exits, it first does an exhaustive search looking for anything that it allocated. This allows Perl to be used in embedded and multithreaded applications safely, and furthermore guarantees correctness of object code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

82. Assume that $ref refers to a scalar, an array, a hash or to some nested data structure. Explain the following statements:
Ans. $$ref; # returns a scalar $$ref[0]; # returns the first element of that array $ref- > [0]; # returns the first element of that array @$ref; # returns the contents of that array, or number of elements, in scalar context $&$ref; # returns the last index in that array $ref- > [0][5]; # returns the sixth element in the first row @{$ref- > {key}} # returns the contents of the array that is the value of the key "key" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

83. How do you match one letter in the current locale?
Ans. /[^\W_\d]/ We don't have full POSIX regexps, so you can't get at the isalpha() macro save indirectly. You ask for one byte which is neither a non-alphanumunder, nor an under, nor a numeric. That leaves just the alphas, which is what you want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

84. How do I print the entire contents of an array with Perl?
Ans. To answer this question, we first need a sample array. Let's assume that you have an array that contains the name of baseball teams, like this: @teams = ('cubs', 'reds', 'yankees', 'dodgers'); If you just want to print the array with the array members separated by blank spaces, you can just print the array like this: @teams = ('cubs', 'reds', 'yankees', 'dodgers'); print "@teams\n"; But that's not usually the case. More often, you want each element printed on a separate line. To achieve this, you can use this code: @teams = ('cubs', 'reds', 'yankees', 'dodgers'); foreach (@teams) { print "$_\n"; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

84. Perl uses single or double quotes to surround a zero or more characters. Are the single(' ') or double quotes (" ") identical?
Ans. They are not identical. There are several differences between using single quotes and double quotes for strings. 1. The double-quoted string will perform variable interpolation on its contents. That is, any variable references inside the quotes will be replaced by the actual values. 2. The single-quoted string will print just like it is. It doesn't care the dollar signs. 3. The double-quoted string can contain the escape characters like newline, tab, carraige return, etc. 4. The single-quoted string can contain the escape sequences, like single quote, backward slash, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

85. How many ways can we express string in Perl?
Ans. Many. For example 'this is a string' can be expressed in: "this is a string" qq/this is a string like double-quoted string/ qq^this is a string like double-quoted string^ q/this is a string/ q&this is a string& q(this is a string) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

86. How do you give functions private variables that retain their values between calls?
Ans. Create a scope surrounding that sub that contains lexicals. Only lexical variables are truly private, and they will persist even when their block exits if something still cares about them. Thus: { my $i = 0; sub next_i { $i++ } sub last_i { --$i } } creates two functions that share a private variable. The $i variable will not be deallocated when its block goes away because next_i and last_i need to be able to access it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

87. Explain the difference between the following in Perl: $array[3] vs. $array->[3]
Ans. because Perl's basic data structure is all flat, references are the only way to build complex structures, which means references can be used in very tricky ways. This question is easy, though. In $array[3], "array" is the (symbolic) name of an array (@array) and $array[3] refers to the 4th element of this named array. In $array->[3], "array" is a hard reference to a (possibly anonymous) array, i.e., $array is the reference to this array, so $array->[3] is the 4th element of this array being referenced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

88, how to remove duplicates from an array?
Ans. There is one simple and elegant solution for removing duplicates from a list in PERL @array = (2,4,3,3,4,6,2); my %seen = (); my @unique = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } @array; print "@unique";

Q1) Compare Perl with C






There are several development tools in Perl as compare to C

Development tools are less and are not very advanced


It executes in a slower manner than C in a few situations

C has speed almost equal to that of Perl


Code can be hidden in Perl

The same is not possible in case of C


Executable can be created without depending on the additional tools

Additional tools is the prime requirement 

Q2) Can you name the variables in which the chomp works? Also, how they are different from one another?

These are: Scalar and Array

Scalar is generally denoted by symbol $ and it can have a variable which can either be a strong or a number. An array on the other side is denoted by @ symbol. An array is always a number. Both these variables have different namespace. The scalar variables are capable to hold a value of 1 digit while array can have more values. Both of them can be executed in the function whenever there is a need of the same. 

Q3) Is it possible in the Perl to use code again and again? If so, which feature enable user to that?

Yes, it is possible in Perl. However, there is a limit on usage of the same code in the same program. The users need not to worry about the complexity either as Perl is equipped with a code trimming feature. It automatically guides users on how to keep the code as short as possible. Code reusability is a prime example of this. The feature that enables users to simply keep up the pace towards this is “Inheritance”. The child class in this feature can use the methods of their parent class. 

Q4) How can you represent the warning signs in the Perl in case of an error and what are the options through which this task can be performed?

Ans: There is an option in Perl which is known as WCommand Line. All the warning messages can be displayed using this and the pragma function simply makes sure that the user can declare the variables during appearance of warning messages. The entire program can be scrolled easily and in fact, in a very short span of time using the in-built debugger. 

Q5) While writing a program, why the code should be as short as possible?

Ans: Complex codes are not always easy to handle. They are not even easy to be reused. Moreover, finding a bug in them is not at all a difficult job. Any software or application if have complex or lengthy code couldn’t work smoothly with the hardware and often have compatibility issues. Generally, they take more time to operate and thus becomes useless or of no preference for most of the users. The short code always makes sure that the project can be made user-friendly and it enables programmers to save a lot of time. 

Q6) Can you tell the meaning of the term debugging in the programming?

Ans: Well, every programmer is familiar with this approach. The fact is there are many errors that declare their presence in the programs due to reasons which are not always necessary to be known exactly. Eliminating these errors is very essential for the smooth flow of the tasks. Finding the bugs or the errors is known as debugging. The programming languages can have in-built options for debugging or the programmers are free to consider other options too. 

Q7) What are “Require” and “Use” statement in Perl and when it is used?

Ans: It is considered when it comes to importing the functions in a way that they can be accessed directly during the program. The users are free to get the results in case the sub statements are not accurate. On the other side, the use statement is generally executed during parsing. 

Q8) In Perl, is it possible for the programmers to prefer a dynamic approach when it comes to loading the binary extension?

Ans: Yes, it is possible. The only need for this is the system a programmer is using must support it. The other option is to accomplish this task statically in case the system doesn’t allow the same. Dynamic approach can help users to save time as they are free to perform some basic tasks in their own way.

Q9) Name a few arguments which are used in Perl frequently. Tell their meaning as well

Ans: These are as following

-d which means debug
-w that indicates warning
-e means execute
-c which says non return compilation

Q10) Tell something about the Associate Arrays in Perl and how they are significant for the programmers?

Ans: It is basically one of the widely used data type in the Perl after Scalar and Array. They are quite similar to that of a hash table and there are a lot of functions which are quite similar to that of the same. 

Q11) Can you add module file in Perl and what are the functions that simply enable you to do so?

Ans: Yes, it is possible and there are “Require” “Or” and “Use”

Q12) What are the guidelines about the Perl Modules which a use should pay attention to and follow?

Ans: There are various things that a user should pay attention to. A few important ones are as follow:

1. The user must always make it user that a Package Name should always begin with a capital Letter
2. If there is a file name, the extension for the same could be .pm
3. The package should come from exporter class in case the object is not considered for the same

Q13) For executing a program in Perl, is there any basic condition which the users have to fulfill?

Ans: The users must make sure that the program they have accomplished should be passed through the interpreter before its actual execution. It actually compiles the program in a reliable manner and the best part is the users are free to ignore any spaces or marks in the same. 

Q14) How can you say that Perl is compiler?

Ans: It is because the interpreter in the Perl is actually free to convert simply the program into the small codes.


Is Perl a compiler or Interpreter?

The programming language can also be used both as a compiler and as an interpreter. It takes in the source codes and converts the same into bytecode that is understandable by the programming language. You can then execute and run the program. Therefore, the programming language can both be regarded as an interpreter and a compiler.

Q15) What does CPAN means?

Ans: It stands for Comprehensive Perl Archive Network and is a large collection of all the documents and software related to Perl. The programmers can access the same and can avoid the difficulties they face.  CPAN is of significance use for the programmers and they are free to derive a lot of useful information from the same. 

Q16) While start working on a project, how you will decide Perl is suitable for the same

Ans: The first thing to pay attention to is whether the execution need is fast or not. If so, Perl is a good option to consider. The users are free to keep up the pace with the flexibility as well. Perl is highly flexible and it can enable users to keep up the pace with the same. Perl is open source and is free from licenses issues. Perl has one of the best and in fact largest free code repositories that simply make it one of the best options to be considered. Also, it is one of the best programming languages with a vast support available for the programmers.

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Q17) Name the operators which are used in Perl and are common?

Ans: 1. Assignment Operators
2. Arithmetic Operators
3. Increment operators
4. Comparison operators
5. Logical Operators
6. String Operators

Q18) Tell how can an array be made empty in Perl?

Ans: This can be done easily. For this, the value of the array is set to zero and the users can then perform this task by assigning the null list to it. 

Related Article: Overview Of Arrays

Q19) Which among the Terms or Lists in Perl have maximum precedence and how you can say that?

Ans: Terms have the maximum number of precedence. It generally includes expressions, quotes and the same have word precedence which is complex. 

Q20) What are the options with the help of which you can wrap scripts in the loops?

Ans: For this, there are options –p and –n. The users are free to use this option as many times as you can. There are no restrictions on the size of the scripts and the loops

Q21) What is the significance of the warning messages in Perl and how they are helpful to the users?

Ans: These are generally the messages that simply let the user keep an eye on the quality of code. With the appropriate messages, it becomes simple for a user to highlight problems. The user can set the messages as optional while working on the programs. 

Q22) How the information can be inserted into the hashes in Perl?

Ans: There is no literal representation in the content of a hash. The users have to make sure that the unwinding of the hash before it is actually filled with the data. The value pairs can be created simply and they can then be converted. In the process of conversion, the hashes can be selected randomly.


This hash in this programming language is a group of key-values. These are scalar values. The hashes are used after a % sign and can be created only by assigning a value to it.

For incorporating information in hashes, the key-value pairs should be created which is known as the unwinding of hash. In this case, the even number items are listed on the right called as values, and the ones stored on the left are termed as keys.

Check Out PERL Scripting Tutorials

Q23) Tell one reason why Perl aliases are good enough to be considered and is faster than references?

Ans: They don’t need dereferencing and that is one of the best things about it. A lot of tasks that are not required or are not usual can be avoided easily. 

Q24) Tell something about memory management in Perl?

Ans: When the programmers make use of a variable in Perl, some memory get occupies. The users have to make sure that the memory is utilized in the best possible manner. After a program is executed, the files can be divided into the sections easily and can then be managed. 

Q25) When you can make use of Perl Grep?

Ans: It is basically an important function in Perl that simply let the programmers make sure that the elements that are considered in Perl can be trusted for the long run. It enables programmers to get the elements that are actually suitable with the criteria set by the users on the functions. 

Q26) What is the significance of Chop functions in Perl and how the users can keep up the pace with them?

Ans: Sometimes there is a need for the users to avoid some random characters from the expression. The same is done in Perl through the Chop Functions. 

Q27) Can the Compiled Form is stored as file in Perl?

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Ans: No it cannot be stored as a File

Q28) Does Perl have Objects? What is the best thing about them you have come across?

Ans: Yes, Perl is equipped with some very useful Objects. The best part is programmers are not forced to use them while performing their task. The users can easily skip them in case they don’t felt their need while writing the codes. There are certain Object Oriented modules which are present in Perl and the users are free to consider them without actually understanding the objects. However, it is recommended to the programmers to go with the Objects in case the program is too complex. 

Q29) How Local Operator and My Operator are different from one another?

Ans: Both these are the methods that are useful for assigning private values to a block. Local Operator only operates on the Global Operator and it keeps the value of private operator. They can be accessed at the end of the block. My Operator is considered for creating a new variable. The variables created by it are always considered as private and remains present in the block they are assigned. 


How to get private values inside a subroutine or block?

The user can use two ways to get private values in a subroutine. The ways are Local operator or My operator.

1. Local operator – This functions on global variable only. It takes in the private variable and restores them at the end of any block arranged.
2. My operator – For creating a new variable, this operator is used. It remains privately within the block.

Q30) What is Closure in Perl and how it is helpful?

Ans: It is defined as the block of code in Perl which is used for capturing the lexical variable which can be accessed at a later section in a program.

Q31) What do you understand by Perl scripting?

Ans: It can be regarded as one an important script programming language similar to that of C and C++ language implemented in the IT market. It is mainly used for network operations. The use of Perl scripting depends on the compiler and not on the interpreter. The Perl is used mainly for network operations, developing websites and OS programs.

Q32) Why is Perl scripting used?

Ans: Perl Scripting is used for designing 76 operating systems at the same time and 3000 modules. Other functional concepts can also be done with the help of this programming language. For extending its support to operating systems and modules, it is also known as comprehensive perl archive network modules. In simple words, the use of the language is to extract information from any text file and result in a printing form of the same by converting the text file.

Q33) Explain some advantages and disadvantages of programming using Perl script language?

Ans: Advantages – Perl is a high-level programming language that is simpler to understand due to its syntax. It is also easier to use due to its flexibility, and easy readability. In addition, the language also supports OOP. It also becomes easier to understand since it has the ability to combine many languages.

Disadvantages – This software is not portable and has some unreadable codes. It is slower compared to another programming language since it is an interpretative language. When you apply any code which is more than 200 lines, it starts to give in problem within the program. It also contains CPAN module which makes it incompatible to run on the system in which CPAN is not installed.

Q34) What is the importance of Perl warnings and how to turn them on?

Ans: In order to check the quality of any coding in the language, warnings are the basic methods to check the wrong codes. During the lexical analysis stage, some usual mandatory problems are highlighted. Therefore, the time spent for researching weird results are very high which can be minimized by turning on the warnings.

There are several ways to turn on the warnings.

-w option is used on the command line for Perl one-liner

-w option is also used on shebang line on OS such a UNIX or windows. The Windows Perl interpreter does not require warnings.

For another operating system, the compiler warnings should be selected.

Q35) State the difference between Use and Require?

Ans: Both Use and require is used for importing modules and file extension is not required for any of them.

In case of use, the objects included are different at the time of compilation and in case of require, the objects are verified during the runtime.

Q36) Draw a difference between My and Local?

Ans: Any variable during the coding with My statement remains in the current block. The variable along with the value goes out of the block. On the contrary in case of Local statement, it is used to assign any value to global variable outside the block. The variable of the local statement can be used globally, but the value lasts till it is inside the block.

Q37) Does Perl programming has objects or not?

Ans: The answer to this question is yes, this programming language has objects that do not force to use it. In most cases, object-oriented modules can be used without even understanding the object. But if the program is a large one, then it is required to make it subject oriented.

Q38) How many types of Perl operators are present?

Ans: This operator is present in four different types:

1. Unary operator is similar to that of not operator
2. Ternary operator similar to the conditional operator
3. List operator resembles the print operator
4. Binary operator similar to the additional operator

Q39) What Perl identifier connotes?

Ans: The identifier is used to state a variable, module, class, function and other relating objects while using this programming language. The variable starts with symbols such as @, % or $ which is followed by digits and underscore. 

Q40) What kind of data is supported by this programming language?

Ans: There are three types of data namely – arrays of scalars, scalars, and hashes of scalars.

Q41) How many types of primary data structure are there? What do they denote?

Ans: There are three types of the primary data structure in this programing language. They are arrays, the scalar, associative arrays.

1. Arrays – It is denoted with ‘@’ sign.
2. Scalar – It is capable of holding one information at one time, and it is denoted by the $ symbol.  Further, this symbol is followed by Perl identifier that can be in the form of underscores or alphanumeric. It should not start with a digit.
3. Associative arrays – These are also called hashes which work similar to that of hash tables used by programmers in other languages.

Q42) How to use a variable in the programming language?

Ans: When you assign a value to a variable with the help of equal sign, a declaration is made. In case of this language, there is no need to declare Perl variable to backup memory space within the application.

Q43) Explain some features of this programming language?

Ans: Some features of this programming language are as follows:

1. It is a simple object-oriented programming syntax
2. It helps in designing Unicode
3. It supports 25,000 open modules at the same time
4. It is an open source software and a cross-platform language
5. It also supports databases such as OracleMySQL, etc.
6. Vital personal data can be protected with the help of this language such as in e-commerce transactions.
7. It makes use of tools that help in converting a text file into other forms such that it is compatible with HTML or XML.
8. Regular expression engine is offered by the language that is used for changing any type of text file

Q44) Explain the difference between Perl hash and Perl array?

Ans: Perl hash is an unordered list of elements where is used by the key values. It is symbolized by a % sign.

Perl array is ordered list of elements used in the programming language which are used by index numbers and symbolized by @ sign.

Q45) How to use modules while working with this language?

Ans: A module usually refers to a namespace which is mentioned in a file. Modules are a collection of function, and there are certain guidelines that should be followed while implementing the same in Perl scripting language.

1. The file name assigned should be same as that of the package name.
2  The name of the package should begin with a capital letter.
3. The file names should have ‘pm’ as its extension.
4. The package should be derived from Exporter class in case no object-oriented technique is implemented in the module.
5. For the non-object techniques used in the modules, the functions and variables should be derived from namespace with the help of @EXPORT and @EXPOR_OK arrays.

Q46) Can Perl patterns be considered as regular expressions?

Ans: The answer mentioned above is no, the Perl patterns cannot be considered as regular expressions since the patterns do not have any references. The regular expression should determine the next state automation and also keep the previous state into it. Wrong usage of pattern is disqualified regular expressions.

Q47) What does Perl array function mean?

Ans: In an array, this function is used to add or remove elements. This function is available in four different types, they are

1. Pop – It helps to remove the last element of an array.
2. Push – This function helps to add a new element at the end of an array.
3. Shift – this function helps to remove the element on the extreme left on an array.
4. Unshift – To add a new element at the start of an array, this function is used.

Q48) How to differentiate Perl list and Perl array?

Ans: The Perl list is a process to bring together data into the programming source code. This list is a fixed collection of scalars and this list is always present in the one-dimensional form.
The Perl array is a process to collect data in the form of variables, and these are multi-dimensional.

Q49) How many loop control keys are found and what do they connote?

Ans: In this language, there are three types of loop control statement namely next, redo, and last.

1. Next statement – It is similar to the continue statement in C language and helps to move to next element of an array skipping all the elements in between.
2. Redo statement – it helps to restart the current loop without considering the control statement.
3. Last statement – It functions similar to that break statement in C language. It helps to exit the loop soon after using the statement.

Q50) How to get the average of numbers using the programming language?

Ans: First you have to enter the number and the output of the average number would be shown as the result.




















$sum = 0;

$counted = 0;

print "Enter your choice of number: ";

$number = <>;


while ($number >= 0)



   $sum += $number;

print "Enter another number: ";

   $number = <>;



print "$counted numbers were enteredn";

if ($counted > 0)


print "The average is ",$sum/$counted,"n";



Q51) Explain the use of –i, -n, and –p options?

Ans: Among all the options, -n and –p is used to include scripts within the loop. The first option is used to enables the programming language implements the script inside the loop. The –p option function in the same manner with addition of continuation. The –i option is used to change the files in the right place. Using this option, the name of the input file can be changed, and the output file would open with the original file name. With this option, no backup of any file is created.

Q52) What does the word subroutine stand for?

Ans: It is a block of code used in the above-mentioned programming language which is implemented together in order to task any task. It can be executed at any point in time in any program. To mention some of its advantages, it helps to execute modular programming making it simpler to understand. It also helps to eliminate duplication of any program reusing the same code in the programming language.